I did it. Wait, let me say that again... I. Did. It. Did what? Completed NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Wrote 50,000 words in 30 days! Actually, it was 50,592 words in more like (less like?) 20 days or so. Because there were at the very least 10 days when I wrote not ONE WORD. And today? I wrote over 8,000 of them in order to finish on time.
But, the important part? I did it!!!!
And even more important? I wrote good stuff. Really good stuff. This novel, which has been rolling around in my head, on paper, on disk drives, etc., for the last decade plus, has finally taken shape.
At the start of this month, I decided that instead of starting yet another novel that would never be finished, I was going back to my original "work in progress" to try to breath new life into. I was in love with my two main characters, but decided the story itself just wasn't working for me. So, I scrapped the entire thing and started from scratch with everything but the main characters...them I kept.
And the most amazing thing happened, it took about 35,000 words, and suddenly, the new story began to take shape, to have direction, to make perfect sense. Suddenly, it was all there in front of me.
Now, at 50,592 words, I know exactly where my characters are taking me. I probably have another 20,000 words or so before I'm done, and then, it'll be time to go back and edit, tweak, add some stuff...really make it work.
I am excited to keep working on it and see where I end up.
But, pssst...I DID IT!!
I wish I can do that, I always a new book whenever I do NaNoWriMo, somehow it just seems so much easier, anyway, congrats!
*sounds of Shelly's hands clapping as she hoots wildly*
Well done, girlfriend! Now, do we have to give you a deadline for the remainder?
I crossed the finish line, too, Karina! What a high...
I'm loving your blog!
Will definitely follow.
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