In case you missed it, Corey Haim died on March 10 this year. I never had a chance to write this post then because I was having computer issues, and also, March 10th also happens to be my birthday, I was a bit busy.
But, the other day I was having a Twitter conversation with a friend about Mr. Haim, and I realized I had a post to write.
See, I loved Corey Haim. He may, quite possibly have been my first celebrity crush. Yes, even before Donnie Wahlberg.
Those who’ve been reading my blog for a while, may remember a few posts on him. In fact, besides Donnie himself, Corey Haim has the honor of being the only other celebrity I’ve written multiple blog posts about (all the way back in 2005 and 2007 respectively).
If you’re curious, you can read those here, and here.
A quick perusal through those posts should tell you what an impact Corey Haim had on my adolescence.
Not only was he my first celebrity crush (oh how I remember swooning as he sang in the bathtub in the Lost Boys)
But he was also my first brush with drug addiction.
I remember being crushed and horrified when I learned of his drug problem. I remember, in my sheltered innocence, writing him a fan letter pleading with him to get help, and then, taking down all of his posters from my wall. Exchanging them for posters of other, more clean cut actors. And yes, eventually for Donnie Wahlberg and the rest of the New Kids On The Block.
For me, drug addiction was beyond my comprehension, and I couldn’t support someone who had succumbed to its allure. My heart broke for Corey, but I could no longer be a fan.
Years passed, and word of his struggles would surface now and again, and each and every time, my heart would break.
Later, as an adult, I would find this photo of him
And again, my heart would break. Where was that adorable little boy with the lisp and the crooked smile?
Then, more recently, word came of a reality show, The Two Coreys. Haim and Feldman would reunite, now that Haim had cleaned up his act, and regale their old fans with their new adventures. With this picture, hope was restored.
He was back. This time, he would make it.
And yes, I watched the show, faithfully. And it was apparent very quickly that Corey was not over his demons. As the show exploited his problems, as Feldman tried to get his friend to seek help, and his denial grew stronger…again my heart broke.
On March 10th of this year I woke up in great spirits. It was my birthday. My 35th birthday. I’m not one of those women who hides (or hides from) her age. I treasure each birthday as what it is, the gift of another year of life.
Checking my facebook that morning a friend posted these words: RIP Corey Haim.
My heart broke for the final time for the “Lost Boy” who never found his way.
A small piece of my childhood died on my birthday this year. I’m sorry you couldn’t find your peace on earth Corey, I truly pray you are finally at peace.
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