Especially in the times we are in today, with the country at war, and thousands of our troops so far from home, we should remember what this day stands for. Regardless of how you feel about this country, about our current government, about the war we find ourselves in, please take a moment today to thank the men and women who are putting it all on the line so that you can run out today and buy that plasma television at 30% off. While you are enjoying that burger with your family today, say a prayer for the thousands of families unable to so.

This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by RDH Mom, and she wants us to share our faorite vacation stories and photos. I had some wonderful vacations growing up, with my family. Every year we would head to the White Mountains in New Hapshire, rent a few cottages, and have a great time. Once I got older, I've taken some great trips on my own. A cruise to the Caribean with some girl friends, Spring Break in Florida to celebrate my 21st birthday, and various other trips to California, Florida, Canada, St. Louis, Arizona, Las Vegas. I've been lucky to travel a lot.
But, my favorite vacation to date, took place two years ago. It all started with a random conversation at Christmas time, and turned into a fantastic Family vacation. I travelled to Mexico on an all-inclusive trip with my parents, my grandfather, my brother, my brother's godparents, and their daughter. We spent 7 days in a fantastic resort, sunning it up, and enjoying each other's company. A family vacation when you are in your 30's and your brother in his 20's is not easy to come by, but all the stars aligned just right, and it was a fantastic time. It was also my last official vacation and/or trip. I haven't been on a plane since, and man, the travel bug is itching to go somewhere again. Alas, now with the new job (starting tomorrow folks), who knows when I will have vacation time again.
Till then, these photos will just have to tide me over...enjoy:
(Ah, the beach at the resort)

And here's the whole group of us.

Please do come back on Wednesday for the Launch Party, won't you? There will be ice cream cake and prizes!
Oh, wow, that resort looks SO awesome! Paradise. Yes, it looks like paradise.
And thank you very muc for reminding us what today really is for. Hope everyone thinks about it...
Family vacations are so much fun... England was about as exotic as we got though!
I've never actually been to a looks like you had an amazing time and have kept such wonderful memories.
(I couldn't figure out where FM was this I just a ditz?)
thanks for the Memorial Day reminder, so important!!
Your trip sounds like it was a pure piece of heaven, and the pictures are gorgeous!!
I love your new look, and good luck on the new job!!
Thanks for playing this week.
I appreciate your Memorial Day words.
looks like you had a grand time
congratulations on your new job
I'm with vacation is way so much fun!
Have a nice week!
very cool!!! your photos look like an ad for the perfect family get-a-way. lots of love & hugs to you as you embark on your new employment adventure tomorrow!!
I hear you about having the itch to travel again! Must start planning. Glad Mexico was such a successful trip. Good luck with the new job tomorrow. If I were starting a new job, wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!
Family holidays are the best. Riding on the beach has been a life long dream of mine, it looks wonderful!
I want to do that... oh yes indeed.
I'd love to take the family on a cruise or a tropical resort.
good choice.
I went parasailing down in Florida waaaaay back when I was in college. So much fun!
Looks like you had a wonderful trip with your family. I hope you can do that again someday soon!
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