Something miraculous is happening in my life lately, and I find myself in such a good place. The only negative to this is that I find myself with a serious case of writer's block.
This is not the first time something like this has happened to me. I've said before that sometimes a writer needs misery and sadness in order to be able to write. For years I was happy with my life and couldn't write a poetry, no fiction, no nothing. Because of blogging, I was able to break through that block, and begin writing again. But lately, I've got nothing.
Last night, as I sat and watched the Boston Celtics kick some serious L.A. Laker butt, I stared at my computer screen for hours. I sat there and stared, but could think of nothing to write. NOT A THING.
The thing is, I have so much to tell you. But I just can't seem to make the words come together to make sense of it all.
And at the end of the night, I wind up with a blank post, and I give up. Call it a night, say "maybe I'll write it tomorrow".
So, I took a different aproach last night. I decided that I would just show you a photo. A photo of two beautiful women who have changed my life in recent months with their friendship, and their faith. The first I've talked about before, my cousin M&M, who is someone with an incredible amount of faith, and an even greater sense of love. Love for everyone and everything around her. The second "the Disciple" you haven't met, but I really need to tell you about her. In the short time that I've known her, she's opened my eyes to so much, she's changed my view of the world around me. And she's done it all without trying, just by being who she is. We should all be so blessed to have two ladies such as these in our lives. And to top it off, they are my friends, girls who know how to have a good time, laugh at themselves, and appreciate the finer things in life. My girls...and I:

I swear, the sarcastic, cranky, wise-ass Karina is still around, she's just feeling mellow lately.
But stay tuned because I have a bacon lollipop (yep, you read that right) that I still need to try, and I'll be blogging all about that soon.
Now, go on and wear your green proudly today, because it's Celtics Day in Boston!
This is so sweet. And I bet they feel the same thing about you :o)
I'm going to take a cue from you and do some girlfriend time. (I need some hugs.)
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