We can start with this batch right here:
Then, there are my concert t-shirts. For example:
Somewhere, I also have a Boyz II Men concert T, and better yet, somewhere there is a New Kids on The Block T...I couldn't find it for this entry, but trust me, I have it somewhere.
There is also this shirt, which I haven't worn since high school:
but will never part with. I was a "Peer Leader" in H.S. and it was one of those times in my life I'm really proud of, and the shirt has loads of sentimental value.
Also sentimental:
My grandma, "The Teacher" gave me this T for Christmas one year...over a decade ago at least...possibly a lot longer than that. The writing and the angels? Glow in the dark. I never wore this T-shirt once, but after my grandmother passed away, I could never bear to part with it. Just recently, however, while helping out on a youth retreat, I wore the shirt for the very first time ever. I'm so glad I never parted with it.
And then there's this dress:
I bought this dress for $7 at a consignment shop in California at least 6 years ago, possibly longer...definitely longer. I fell in love with it, I had to have it. I brought ithome, hung it up in my closet, and never had occasion to wear it. Then I gained weight, and have not been able to wear it since. In fact, the price tag is still attached. But I LOVE this dress and can't bear to part with it.
I could share so many more stories of the type, but I'll stop here.
By the way, I just realized that I wrote up an entire post about my new job the other day, and was convinced I'd posted it, but it turns out it's still sitting in my "drafts" folder. So, come on by tomorrow if you want to hear all about my new job.
I just wonder how many t-shirts were posted today? I know there are several I'll never part with.
Now, I want those black boots on your banner. Hand them over, please.
you know, hang on to those, because this past weekend, I pulled out a dress I haven't worn since my jack and jill (the red one remember?) and I fit in in, for the first time since I moved to LA. The next day I was so excited I tried one I'd never worn because it didn't fit too well when I bought it and it fit perfectly. Just saying, you never know!!
Happy Fun Monday to you. Before you know it, that dress may fit. Things must be going your way with the new job and all.
I like things that glow in the dark. The angel shirt is especially nice.
Swampy, alas, the black boots are actually not mine...but I sure wish they were!
PB, Yeah, except, even if I lose weight, that dress will NEVER fit these boobs girl. hahaha
Molly, yes, things are going great with the job, there'll be a post up all about it tomorrow.
I have finally thrown away a boatload of t shirts this past year.
My word verification is mwore.
Seems appropriate
Good job on the Peer Leader position you had in HS. That was a good thing to remember.
I have a dress with the tag still on it in my closet too!
I don't have concert tees... Probably because Gordon Lightfoot and Steve Martin didn't sell them back then.
Great bunch of stuff.
That is one thing that I bet is cool about living alone. You can keep anything you want to keep and hog all the closet space and just take it all up. :)
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