Sunday, August 01, 2010

Popinjay - Dainty

I missed last week's Popinjay. In fact, I missed posting to my blog AT ALL all of last week. It's been a busy summer, blogging has definitely taken a back burner...but, don't give up on me m wonderful readers, you haven't heard the last from me...

But, back to Popinjay...this week's prompt is Dainty.


1. delicate or elegant: a dainty teacup;
2. pleasing to the taste; choice; delicious: a dainty morsel;
3. refined, esp excessively genteel, fastidious

I chose the first definition of the word. My parents have a lovely garden in front of their house, and in this garden they have all these colorful, lovely, and yes, dainty flowers. Like these:
And these:
And my favorites, these:
So dainty, so delicate, so perfect, so beautiful.

Make sure you pop over to Michelle's to see what other dainty things everyone caught with their cameras.


~michelle pendergrass said...


Michele Lee said...

I love flower pictures. But it's amusing that we all went in that direction.

heather said...

I have some of those flowers in my garden. Except in TX in August, they don't look so pretty anymore.

Amber@ClassicHousewife said...

Hehe - what she said. Flowers in Texas in August - they don't look like that!! At least,.. not at MY house. ;0)
So pretty, by the way! I really like the red ones.