Today's Photo Hunter thme is "Emotion(s)". I really believe nobody is more expressive with their emotions than children. They just don't know how to hold back. Whatever it is they are feeling, it's right there, written all over their face, their body language. And sometimes this bevy of emotions can be expressed in a matter of seconds from happy,to sad, to exhuberant, to downright miserable. I love that.
So, here's my cousn PM's son, "Smiley"...but as you can see, he's not alway smiling. Often, but not always.
How cute is he? Thanks for stopping by!
He looks a little charmer~a lovely way to capture emotions :)
good choice and perfect catch for this week's theme... mine's up too hope you can drop by
Great shots! Babies do have the best emotions!
Aww, how cute and very sweet!!!
He looks like he's fixin' to fight in the second shot. Pugnacious. And the smile in the first is priceless.
Yea... I have that problem too! (keeping my emotions a secret) ... come see! He is adorable!
love that second shot!!! hahaha..very cute :)
awesome contrasting photos! you are so right about children & *candid* ;) emotions (pun intended!)...that could be why sabine & i used our youngest children for this week's theme!
I've posted a mix as well, a nephew, a niece, and some crazy cats.
You're so right, children show their emotions so well! He is adorable and I just want to scoop him up and smooch those cheeks.
He's SO cute no matter what expression he's got on his face!
Very cute!! :D
Very cute, love that first one!
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