That’s some good stuff right there!
But really, I want to focus on the good those two feet are hoping to do next month. Because those two feet? They are planning on doing not one but TWO walks for a cause. And those two feet? They could really use your support.
So, today, on Only the Good Friday, I’m asking you to reach into your hearts (and your pockets), and help those two feet make a difference.
You can start by clicking on the pretty little badge over on the right side there and popping over to my page on the March of Dimes, March for Babies website, and sponsoring me for the 3 mile walk I’ll be doing on May 2nd.
Every little bit helps, so if you can spare $10, $5, $1, 50 cents, I’ll be super duper appreciative. (See, I’m not asking for much).
And if you’re feeling extra generous, be sure to keep checking back, because you can sponsor me
for the Walk for Cancer I’ll be doing on May 17th. This time those two feet will be walking 6 miles, so they would REALLY love your support. Especially since on May 17th I’ll be walking in honor of my dear grandmother “O” who fought a hard battle for years but eventually we lost to cancer in 2000. I miss her dearly, and I’m walking for her, and for everyone still fighting that battle today. I'm still in the process of registering for that walk, but don't worry, I'll let you know when you can donate! ;-)
Choose one, choose both, but please help. The money’s ain’t for me folks, I don’t want it. It’s all for a good cause. Think of how GOOD you will feel this Friday when you know you’ve made an impact.
Don’t you already feel good just thinking about it? Go on, click the link, you know you want to!
Here, as a prize for being so generous, I’ll give you some more pretty cruise photos to look at:

Have a great Friday, and don’t forget to head on over to Shelly’s to see what she’s got up her sleeve today.
I love that foot picture! How funny. For years I took shots of my feet with the view beyond when I went on trips.
Good thing that you took pictures of those tootsies before those ambitious charity walks! They are going to be dog tired.
Good for you my friend, and so good that you had a wonderful vacation & shared the pictures so we could enjoy it vicariously.
Years ago March Of Dimes monies provided help for those mom's who had a negative RH factor... which took the lives of her unborn children. I was one of the first mom's to receive a Rogam Shot after my first child was born... which protected the lives of my future 3 children. Yes... I contribute to March of Dimes.
Thanks for the reminder
Shelly, I love taking those types of photos, with my feet in front of whatever the scenery is. Everyone in my family laughs at me for taking them, but I like them. lol
Insightful Nana, glad I could remind you! ;-)
Karina!! Bless your heart (and your feet!) I did what I could for the babies, in memory of my Lil Pharoah.
Thorne, thank you for your generous contribution. As I said,every little bit helps, so THANK YOU! ;-)
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