So, here we go, helping Shelly from This Eclectic Life spread the Optimism Virus. My understanding is that poor Shelly is actually suffering a serious bout of the flu or some such other mean illness, so the LEAST I can do is help to spread some positivity, you think?
In case you are unfamiliar with OTGF, the general idea is to have one day a week where we post ONLY GOOD THINGS. No sarcasm, no complaining, no whining, no woe is me...just good stuff.
Some times, the good stuff is the kind of "Good" that uplifts the world, inspirational, charitable, motivating. Other times, it's a little more personal, a little less altruistic, and like today, a little more..."here are the small, silly blessings that make me smile".
Here's my good stuff this week:
I'm getting a new phone. Actually, by the time you read this, because I'm pre-writing it (shh don't tell), I may already have my new phone. I'd better already have my new phone...or else...oh, never mind, optimism...good...happy...
I'm getting THIS phone:

I'll tell you all about the phone once I've had a chance to play around with it.
By the way, also, anyone want a slightly used blackberry curve for sprint? I'll sell it to you cheap!
More good stuff:
I am going to see Daughtry/Lifehouse in concert in June. Not only that, but I'm going to do so in Pittsburgh, which means I get to visit my friend WEST Virginia (who does, indeed, live in West Virginia). Since we both wanted to go to this concert, and I wanted to go visit her, we decided to combine the two things, and there you go! Very excited.
Even more good stuff:
Tomorrow night I am attending a "Masquerade Ball" fundraiser for a local children's hospital. My friends and I will get all dressed up (and don masks) and eat, drink, dance, and raise money for a good cause.
Now THAT's all kinds of good, don't you think?
I hope you have a WONDERFUL Friday and a wonderful weekend. Don't forget to drop by Shelly's to see all the other GOOD out there.
Phone, friends, and frolic! It's all good. I'll be interested to hear about your new phone, because I'm NOT much of a geek. I wound up with an iPhone, but don't use half of its capability.
Have a great Friday!
I know you'd consider this freakish, but I don't have a cell phone, nor any inclination to get one.
But your excitement over yours is contagious! Have a great visit.
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