Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Sex and the City 2 - Not Really a Review

Last Thursday I saw Sex and the City 2. I know that the movie has gotten pretty bad reviews, but this is not really a movie review. I will quickly say though that those reviewers and critics who have picked this movie apart were obviously bored or expecting WAY too much. Let’s be honest, it’s Sex and the City. If you were expecting some sort of cinematic brilliance, you went to the wrong movie. If, however, you were a fan of the show, and were expecting to see just a little bit more of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, their crazy discussions about sex and love, and some amazing fashions and gorgeous men, you will not be disappointed. The movie was everything I expected it to be. Campy, fun, silly, over the top, self-indulgent, hilarious, and even a little bit sweet. It was also so pretty to look at. Between the scenery of NYC and Abu Dabi, the gorgeous clothes, shoes, jewelry and purses, and the bevy of gorgeous gals and guys, it was a feast for the eyes. Even the soundtrack was on par, fun, exciting.

But, as I said, this is not a movie review.

I want to talk about the 10 things this movie made me want to run out and get.


Gold nailpolish – Samantha sports this amazing metallic gold nailpolish through most of the movie, and I WANT IT. I want it NOW. Someone find it for me please.

3. Shoes – Oh come on, you knew this was coming. Really, it needs no explanation. OH THE SHOES…I want. I direct you to this blog for the shoes, because they did a great job of capturing some of the best ones.

4. Girlfriends – I have amazing friends from all walks of life, all over the place, for all different occasions and situations, most of them, long distance. But I do not have (and have never really had) a group of girl friends like these four women have on this show. I love the way they can jump to each other’s rescue just as quickly as they’ll jump down each other’s throats. The way they are willing to drop everything for a night of fun, or for a night of tears. Yes, I realize it’s fiction, but wouldn’t it be grand to have a group of girlfriends you can have a standing date with once a week, or even once a month? I WANT a group of local girl friends.

5. A relationship like the one Carrie and Big have – No, seriously, in the midst of all the crazy, the unrealistic, and even the annoying, they have exactly the type of relationship I want. They respect each other’s faults, they adore each other’s quirks, they understand that they won’t always understand one another, and they are completely mature about handling their immaturity. I’m not saying I want their exact relationship, I just want the love, the respect, the trust, and the honesty. That’s not asking for much is it?

Fine, can I just get the nailpolish then? Pretty please??


Unknown said...

I thing the golden nails aren't polish but minx nails! And they are beautiful indeed,

Unknown said...

thing = think
sorry :$