Monday, September 17, 2007

Fun Monday - What's Art got to do with it?

This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by Sayre at Sayre Smiles.

Sayre says: Brush off your interview skills. Talk to everyone who lives in your house. I want to know what their, and your, favorite piece of art is in your home. Photographs do not count. If there was a fire in your home, everyone would grab photographs, but what is the non-photographic piece of art you would grab on your way out - and why? (Edit: These don't have to be paintings - these can be wall hangings, statues, lumps of clay by your child, anything that is artistic expression of some kind EXCEPT photographs.)

WELL, I live alone, therefore, I can't interview anyone to ask what their favorite piece of art in the house is. SO, I've decided to just ask me, myself and I...and WE decided to walk around my house and pick a favorite piece of art from every room. As art can take so many forms, it was fun to explore my house and figure out which things I loved most.

I started in the kitchen, and hanging in my entryway/kitchen wall is my only actual piece of "art", which is a painting I've posted about here before, both in another "fun monday" and in other "Baby Blue" portrait. You can read more about it here.

Also in the kitchen is my martini glass, decorated at one of those "pottery painting" places by your truly. I love this thing.

Check out the olives IN the right? Hey, I'm not very artistic, so I was really proud of this.

Moving onto the living room, we find two more pieces that I painted myself (again at those pottery places), as well as one of my favorite sculptures, given to me ages ago. Behind the sculpture is a bowl with chinese characters, one of my "works", and then there is this japanese style plate, also painted by MOI.

Also in the living room is this amazing wine cabinet:

All of the artwork on this piece is made with Jade and other stones...this really is one of my favorite works of art in my house. There is one more piece in my living room, but I'll get to that in a bit.

Moving onto my bedroom. I've already showcased quite a few of my wall hangings from my bedroom here, so I won't repeat those, but this picture, of Jesus, hangs on my bedroom wall as well. I love this piece. And yes, that is the color of my bedroom wall behind it.

In my bathroom I have a brand new piece of art, in a very unconventional form. THIS

is my new shower curtain. I just love it.
And in the office, hangs a a charicature portrait of yours trully, done at a company Christmas party years ago.

How funny is this thing?

The following, however, is definitely my favorite piece of art in my house. What is is you ask? It is my coffee table. Bought for a steal at a going out of business sale, it is carved mahogany. It has six little "seats" you can pull out, for Asian style dining, but the intricacies of the carvings are what get me. No piece in my home is talked about more than this piece. I'm not sure I could haul it off and run with it in a fire, but man, I'd miss it if I had to leave it behind.

The one piece I would definitely grab on my way out the door, if it came to that, would be the Baby Blue art piece. I've had it since I was a baby, I plan on having it forever.

Be sure to visit Sayre for other Fun Mondayers...


Anonymous said...

That is a great array of art pieces. The coffee table and wine cabinet are beautiful, and I think you may have a difficult time hauling them out quickly. You did well on the martini glass.

Unknown said...

I love the things you've made and the baby blue but my favorite is your table too. I'll come and help you haul it out just ring me if you feel heat.

Anonymous said...

The coffee table is absolutely gorgeous! It would be hard to leave that behind in a real fire!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the table is AMAZING! It is really one of a kind! Great work. (And I totally dig the shower curtain.)

alisonwonderland said...

the three of you did a very fine job of choosing art! it's a good thing you'll have six hands to carry all those neat things out of the house. lol!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I too love the wine cabinet and coffee table. My uncle has a coffee table like this which he had shipped home to Michigan while he was serving in the Navy during Vietnam. And he has a matching cabinet with the carved work, as well. I'd never seen another one like it until just now. Beautiful, Karina!

Sayre said...

Your caricature gave me an idea for next week's Fun Monday, if no one voluteers!

That table is gorgeous!

qualcosa di bello said...

you certainly have an artful place! brava on that martini glass...i think your inner-artist was full bloom on that one.

that portrait of you is worth a laugh out loud...who is that dude oogling you??????

Anonymous said...

I love your coffee table. How exotic!

Tiggerlane said...

Wow...I just don't think I could choose from all your treasures, though the baby blue would be my first. I'd have to at least TRY to haul out that coffee table, and the martini glass! You have some really neat art!

Molly said...

You do have some lovely things. The coffee table is unique and an outstanding piece of art.

Anonymous said...

You have so many lovely things, both that you have created with your own two hands and those that you have aquired. The table in particular is amazing!

Dallas said...

The table is beautiful. Actually, I think my grandmother has something very similar.

Pamela said...

too many lovely things to lose in a fire.

But, then I've heard people say that if they do experience a fire they always think mostly of the lives of the people they love.

Anonymous said...

Didn't participate this week but I'm still visiting :o) All great works of art but I'm with everyone else, that coffee table is something else! I also like the martini glass LOL I've always wanted to do one of those pottery get-togethers but no one I know likes doing stuff like that. I'd make a martini glass any day!

Amy said...

How interesting! I love to see things that people have selected for their homes that aren't from Wal-Mart... I find it fascinating to see how a person has decorated their home with things that aren't mass produced at a cheap price so that the home really tells you about the person who lives there..

Rebecca said...

Those are some very nice pieces - and yes, that table is AWESOME!!

P.S. Sorry, I'm running behind on blog reading with limited time this week, so I'll be the one commenting several days after the fact ;-)

MommaBoo said...

What lovely art. i never thought of some of those objects as art, but they certainly are!

Thank you for sharing!