Sunday, November 16, 2008

All Good Things...

Sunday night is here, and with it the end of my vacation.

Well, as they say, all good things must come to an end, I guess.

As I board my plane tomorrow afternoon, I'm leaving behind the sun, and the beach, the warm temps, and the lifestyle of "nothingness" I've grown so used to this week.

It'll be hard to leave all this peace and beauty behind.

But then, returning home has its own beauty. At home I return to my family, my amazing friends, and the comfort of my own home.

I return to a job that in all reality, I enjoy, and to sleeping in my own, oh so comfortable bed.

I also return to my routines, back to eating on some sort of schedule, getting to the gym and taking care of myself.

I can get back to blogging from a computer instead of my blackberry, and back to working on my NaNoWriMo novel, which I've fallen so far behind on.

Yes, it will be hard to leave the beach behind, but I'll be glad to be home as well.


Rebecca said...

I think my favorite part of the end of a vacation is getting to go home and sleep in my own bed. :)

I'm glad you had a great time!! :)

qualcosa di bello said...

a perfect way to say true of nothingness! i will tuck that one away because it is a reminder of what i NEED to do when i go on vacation to truly refresh~~ nothing!

benvenuto a casa!!!

Jill said...

i've been out of touch, you got to go to the beach? awesome! i was so hoping to have a babymoon with my hubs on some fantastic beach somewhere, but we ended up in deep crap and with an early baby instead. but she's awesome! drop on by the mousehouse to say hi!

Karina said...

Frigga, yep, sleeping in your own bed is highly underrated!

QDB, "lifestyle of nothingness"...really is how I felt all week, and I loved it. I think from now on all my vacations will have to measure up to that statement somehow! lol

Lil' Mouse, Holy crap, you had a little little mouse already?? I'll be over to visit very soon!!