Well, as you can probably see by the fact that it's been almost a week since my last post, I threw in the towell on NaBloPoMo. Life has been a little hectic these last few weeks in November, and I made a decision to let this one go.
HOWEVER, just today my bloggy friends I uploaded my manuscript for the official word counter at NaNoWriMo. And yours truly? A WINNER:

I'm so excited to have been able to participate and win this year. The best part is that my novel is actually nowhere near finished, there's still so much story left to tell, that I can hardly wait to get back to it and continue to develop and expand on what I started this month. I'll be taking a break from it (and from all technology) this weekend, but have great hopes for this little novel of mine.
This coming weekend I will be working a youth retreat and will be disconnected entirely from the interwebs...leaving the blackberry at home and all. I'm looking forward to the spiritual retreat and a weekend that I know will be good for my soul and my heart. The prep work for this retreat has been tremendous and is on going even today, on Turkey Day, but will all be worth it in the end.
I ask that if you pray, you keep us, the team putting this thing together, and the teens attending the retreat, in your prayers.
I'll be logging off shortly, to return on Monday and jump into the Christmas season with all of you...I'm so excited about the holidays this year, I can't wait to fully delve into them.
For today, I leave you with this:

Happy Thanksgiving Bloggy Friends!!!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you on winning NaNo! I'm still 10k words away, but I'm just stubborn enough that I will win it (barring any hospitalizations of my immediate family).
I'll send you a tweet as well, just want you to know how proud I am of you!
Congrats on finishing your novel. What an accomplishment!
Wow, Karina! You're my hero! I can't believe you were doing two writing marathons at once. But I'm so glad you finished NaNo.
Sent you a prayer, too. Happy Thanksgiving.
Congrats on winning! I'd like to try NaNoWriMo next year when my kids are older and I will have more time to write.
Hope you are enjoying your retreat.
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