Saturday, November 01, 2008

Photo Meme - The Rule of 4's.

I've been tagged for a meme by one of my fellow SheWhoBloggers, Callista at Callista's Ramblings

The rules of the meme are as follows: Post the 4th picture in the 4th file of your 'My Pictures' folder.

Easy enough, right? Except, te 4th folder in my "My Pictures" folder only had two photos in I just decided to post the 5th photo in my 5th folder...and here you go:

There you go, that's it.
It doesn't say anything about tagging anyone, so I'm not going to officially tag anyone, but I'm going to invite you to join in if you'd like...and just let me know if you do. I'd love to take a peak into your computer photo files...


Kathleen said...

It's good to know I'm not the only one who photographs trees! Thanks for participating!

Anonymous said...

I had to play too. You can see mine at