Friday, February 19, 2010

Only The Good Friday – All's Fair in Love and Allergies

It's Only The Good Friday, and even though Shelly has changed the rules a little bit, the game is still the same. On Fridays (or whatever day you choose) we take the time to focus on ONLY GOOD things. No "snarkyness" as she likes to call it. No negativity. Just good old positive stuff.

So, even though I'm battling quite possibly the most sever bout of allergies I've ever encountered (sniffle, sniffle, sneeze, sneeze) I'm going to focus on the good today.

For starters, it's just could be so much worse.

Also, it's FRIDAY! And for some reason, it appears to take even longer to get to Friday on these "short" holiday weeks. But we've made it, we are here!

Tomorrow I have the pleasure of spending the morning and afternoon doing a very GOOD thing, cooking and then serving at a local soup kitchen with your is our Saturday, which we do every 6 weeks, and it is always fun, inspiring, and a blessing to be able to participate.

Then tomorrow night I will be heading out on the town with some friends for a friend's bachelorette party. That should be an interesting event, to say the least. I have no doubt we will have a GOOD time.

And then Sunday will indeed be a "day of rest". OH how GOOD that sounds.

I don't really have a whole lot more to offer you this week, not because I'm not full of GOOD, but because I'm not full of energy to type any longer...

But trust, the mood is up, the heart is full, and life is indeed GOOD.

Count all your little blessings and join us on Only The Good Friday, won't you? Head on over to Shelly's for more information and for the Mr. Linky!


Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is... said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. You have lots of Good going on this weekend. Amazing how much better the world is when we change our perspective or attitude!

This Eclectic Life said...

A Bachelorette party...I remember those! It sounds good to me. Sniffle and sneeze your way through it girl, but have fun.
Yes, it could be worse.