And here we are...we find ourselves at a cross roads...that moment between years...the last day of 2010. The end of a year, the end of a decade...a time to take stock, count blessings, reflect on what has happened and what we have learned. A time to say goodbye and wax nostalgic...

A time to look ahead, to make plans, establish goals, set dreams. A fresh start, the beginning of a whole new year, a whole new decade, a whole new opportunity to take life, once again, by the hand and lead it where we want it to go...
In reality, it's just another night, just another day...
But we humans are a sentimental bunch, aren't we? So, for is all that and so much full of the chance to try again, do right the wrongs, and to push harder with those things we're proud of.
So, as we leave 2010 behind (a year, that I must admit has been so very good to me), and enter 2011 (a year, that I hope and pray will only bring me more of what I already have)...let's count our blessings, and have fun, and be safe.
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