Well, I'm all giddy and excited because two of my fellow SheWhoBloggers have awarded me with a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award. My thanks to both JennieBoo at OSOMOLOVE and Sognatrice at Bleeding Espresso.
So, my understanding of this award is that I'm to pass it on to other Rockin' Girl Bloggers, and I'm happy to oblige.
First of all, I'd like to give my first one to all my SheWhoBlogs Buddies, because they all ROCK in their own way. Just check out the photos Frances took this weekend, or JennieBoo's amazing introduction post, or Wicked H's hillarious tale about house alarms or any of the other posts by all these amazing ladies and you'll see exactly what I mean. They all have their own individual blogs as well, which you can check out on my sidebar.
My second award is going to my good friend Literary Feline over at Musings of a Bookish Kitty. I've known her for a while now in other circles, but her blog is one of my favorites and always a first stop when I'm looking for suggestions on what I should read next. Her book reviews are always detailed and thorough with just enough bite to grab you and make you want to read the book yourself.
Thirdly, I'm awarding Frigga at Any Apples because she is fast becoming one of my favorite bloggers. Her posts constantly make me laugh, her Thursday Thirteen is always an audience participation one, which is OH SO FUN, and today, she gave us this. Really, this girl ROCKS.
And finally is Miss Frou Frou over at I Used to be, but I'm alright Now, because I just love her. I tend to be more of a lurker over there, but the two of us have so much in common that I find myself nodding my head in agreement as I read her posts. Oh yeah, and it just so happens we share a birthday too.
I'm finding other amazing and ROCKIN' girl bloggers as I stroll through the blog world, but since I'm more of a stalker than a visitor at most of these blogs, I'll stop here this time.
Keep on Rockin' girls!
Just want to say thanks for leaving those lovely comments on my blog (http://cloudbliss.blogspot.com/).
You deserve the Rockin' Girl Blogger award.
Congrats to a follow She Who Blogs member.
Happy Blogging1
Ooh, I'll have to check out these rockin' bloggers now :)
Damn you're awesome!
Thank You :-)
Thank you Katrina, I'm a bit late replying sorry, felled by the dreaded 'lurgy... I can't believe we share a birthday!!!
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