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Okay, so Fun Monday this week is being hosted by Kitten and she wants to know the "story" our our homes.
"Today for Fun Monday I thought it would be neat to hear about the story behind your home and the road you live on. It doesn't have to be historical, maybe just something that stands out to you. It would be nice to have pictures to go with your little story. I also would like to know who has the oldest house. Whoever has the oldest house will get a little Christmas treat from little ole me. "
Well, I'm not really sure how much of a tale I can tell you. I live in a condo complex, and I'm pretty sure nothing much exciting exists in terms of a history of this place. My complex is made up of two buildings, each with about 18 units. I live in building A, and my understanding is that back in the 80's there was a fire in Building B, so it has been rebuilt. But Building A has been in existence since the 70's I think. Like I said, not much of a history to tell.
So, here's a little about how I came to own my condo. Here's a picture taken the day I closed on the place...that's my brother and I, walking into my building for the first time as a homeowner. See the balcony in the top right corner of the picture? That's my balcony.

In February it'll be 5 years since I've owned my unit, and I do love my little home. Our complex is at the top of quite a steep hill, a private drive that is quite the challenge in the snow. When my realtor first drove me up the hill to show me the place, I remember thinking "where the hell is she taking me? There are buildings up here?" That was pretty much a selling point for me, because I live off of a main street, but from the street, you'd have no idea these buildings are up here. It's very quiet and private.
The hill in the spring looks harmless enough:
Those shots, by the way, are the view from my balcony. Not bad right? We had a pretty nasty snow storm this weekend, and the hill looks a whole lot messier than that right now, but I didn't get any pictures this time out.
My particular unit faces the hill, so I can see the comings and goings which is helpful when I'm waiting for anyone, as I can see them coming. It is also quite entertaining, because I see when anyone gets stuck in the snow trying to come up the hill (yes, I'm evil).
When I bought the condo, I took one week off of work, and together with my parents, painted most of the rooms, redid most of the floors (dad laid down tile in the kitchen and living room and refinished the hardwood in the living room and mom and I actually laid down the hardwood in my bedroom). I feel a great sense of pride in how it all turned out, because I had such a hand in doing it.
Here's me pulling up carpet staples on my bedroom floor:

Here's my kitchen before the new floors went in:

And that's about it, that's the story of my home.
Next week there will be no Fun Monday, we're taking a break for Christmas Eve, but check with Peter to find out what the assignment is for New Year's Eve.
You have done a fine job on your place. Love the snow.
Death to wallpapaper!!
As much of a pain as snow must be, it sure is beautiful - what a great view to have!!! :-) Happy Monday!
That is a great view - I love to be able to see who is coming and going.
Isn't being a homeowner grand!
Kitten, glad somebody does (love the snow, I mean)...after this past week/weekend, I'm so over it.
Nikki, I second that!
Frigga, it is beautiful, but ugh...we have mounds of it after this weekend.
beckie, I do love my view and the ability to see the comings and goings. I'm nosy like that! ;-) And yes, being a homeowner is great!
What a wonderful view you have. I think I'd just stay in when I saw the snowy one and not try to navigate the steep hill out! Enjoy!
I like your view. Hills are great except for the snow and ice. I like your red walls.
I'm always leery of homes on hills - especially in the winter. But, it looks like a cute place!
Dreaming What Ifs...
Beautiful work you did!
I remember the balcony shots from previous Fun Mondays, they're very nice. I found it interesting that you referred to it as a 'unit', that's a term we use over here, but I haven't heard it that much in the State.
Your condo is really cute! You've done a wonderful job on the improvements.
Wow! I'm impressed at how much you were able to redo this place....great job! I would never be capable without hiring LOTS of people. You should be proud!
I love the photos. I am so impressed that you did so much work yourself. It really is something to be very proud of. You did a great job, your home is beautiful! I feel ya on the hill. I didn't show case it well but the hill leading up to our house is rather steep and treacherous when snow packed and icy.
Great job on the remodel. I got tennis elbow from pulling staples out of our first home's floors.
That hill does look like it would be a nightmare in the snow.
You did a great job of fixing up your place. There is a certain satisfaction in adding your own sweat equity and love to a place. It looks great.
You did a great job on your home, I remember seeing your kitchen before.
I love the view not sure about that hill in the snow though!
I have our winner post up.
You have a lovely home and gorgeous views. I think it makes your home more precious to you when you do the work on it yourself. Great job!
I really love the view from your balcony and I'd never guess you were close to a main road. You have done a lot to make the place your own. You should be proud.
Lovin that color on your living room wall now. And love the floors! It's so fun that your family helped you get it all done.
Late commenting--- so many great posts to read, thanks for yours.
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