Tuesday, January 01, 2008

And so it begins

Here we are, 2008, a brand new year, and brand new challenges ahead. Starting off the year with a fresh new look here at Candid Karina, ready to tackle Blog365 head on.

The beauty of Blog365 is that the rules are a lot looser than NaBloPoMo in that you don't actually have to "post" everyday, as long as you create everyday. In other words, if you are away from an internet connection, as long as you write something (even in a journal) everyday, and then post it when you have access again, then you are still complying. And you can even post to different blogs, but that'll just get confusing for me, so count on a fresh post from me here, daily, or as close as I can get.

To be honest, I didn't really joing Blog365 with the belief that I would manage to post every single day in 2008, but I figured I already post pretty regularly, so this will just be an excuse to network some more over on Ning, which I enjoy tremendously.

So, the games begin then.

And what does 2008 hold in store here at Candid Karina? I'm not really sure, but my cousin PM told me this weekend that she much preferred my blog when I did more "writing" and less "memeing", so although I'm not sure I'll cut back on the memes, because the few I do participate in, I enjoy, I do plan on writing more, so there will be some changes for sure.

There will be more tales of "All the Boys I've Loved"; more updates or "non-updates" as they may be about "Lawboy" and any other potentials that may cross my path this year; certainly more "Tales from the Firm", and even more answers to questions you've asked me that I have not yet gotten to.

As I continue to explore photography, there will be more pictures. And at Creative Karina, my other blog, there will be more poetry, short stories, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

And hopefully, and perhaps most importantly, I hope to build stronger, better, more consistent conversations with you, my readers, through comments, through emails, through whatever means we can use, because YOU my blogging buddies, are what makes it all as much fun as it was in 2007.

So, without further ado, let the games begin...to 2008, and beyond.


Literary Feline said...

Good luck in your new (sort of) endeavor, Sonia! Have a happy New Year.

Karina said...

Thanks Wendy! Happy New Year to you as well.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I look forward to reading whatever it is you come up with--always a pleasure to visit even if I don't get a chance to comment as much as I'd like.

Happy 2008!