Okay folks, here it is, the results are in. As I stated in my initial post last week, although I joined Amber's Battle of the Bulge Challenge last week, I actually began my weight loss challenge in August. With 20.4 lbs. to lose, I signed up for Jenny Craig.
This past Wednesday I reached six weeks on the program, and my goal had been to reach my half way point by the time the six week trial period I signed up for was up. Did I do it?
YES! I actually passed it. Weighing in at 138.6 lbs., I've lost 10.8 lbs., leaving me with 8.6 lbs. to go to reach goal. I've broken into the 130s which makes me happy, and I've also lost a full dress size, which is FABULOUS!!!
Because I've reached my half-way goal, Jenny Craig and I have agreed that I can now drop down to only using their food five days a week, instead of every day, and I'm doing breakfasts on my own. Hopefully, I'll be able to use the tools I've been learning from them and be able to transfer them over to "real life" food. That's the plan anyway. I did sign up for another trial period, 10 weeks long this time, so I'm hoping to reach my goal weight and have a few weeks left over for "maintenance".
Now, for the good stuff. This past Saturday I decided I needed to clean out my closets. I emptied them out competely, and started putting things back in ONE BY ONE. Ladies (and gents), I believe I tried on every article of clothing I own. Now, if you know me, you know that is QUITE the feat, because I am admitedly, a bit of a shopaholic, with A LOT of clothes. It was fabulous however, because on Saturday I basically went shopping in my closet. I found things I didn't even know I owned, I found things I can now fit into that I couldn't before, I found things that I will fit into when I reach my goal and I found things that are now WAY too large on me.
LOVE IT! I have an entire new wardrobe, and I never even left the house or opened up my wallet.
And this morning, as I was getting ready for work, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized something...my face? Looks skinny again. I'm actually doing double takes because it's so strange to me. How great is that?
So, that's it for me this week. The plan for this coming week is to stay on course, try to introduce my two days of non-jenny food into my diet and not screw it all up. Oh yeah, and tomorrow, when I'll be at Six Flags, try not to eat any pizza or french fries.
I'll check in with you next week, let you know how I did!
Congratulations girl! Hope you're taking you sexy self out to celebrate :)
i am SOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!
Hey - Sorry I haven't commented yet! I've had this post open in a tab since you put your post up. :)
I'm so glad you've crossed your halfway mark!! That's so awesome! I can't wait until it's my turn. =)
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