Monday, July 09, 2007

Fun Monday - Loungin'

Fun Monday this week is being hosted by Deb over at the "Melon Patch". This week Deb has set our mission as follows:

This is my request. Show your favorite place to relax. It can be a chair, corner, ledge, or limb. :) Get out those cameras and take pics or just write how you feel when you are in your "zone".

I am so happy to participate in this week's Fun Monday and share my favorite "lounge" spots. The first is my couch.

This may sound like a pretty common answer, but you have to understand how long it took me to get this couch! When I bought my condo 4 1/2 years ago, I couldn't really afford a whole lot of furniture, so most of my furniture was either bought at second hand stores (I found some amazing furniture this way), Walmart, or was handed down by my family. My "couch" for the first 2 1/2, maybe even 3 years that I lived here was an old, ratty, love seat. It was uncomfortable at best, downright painful to sit on at worst. It was always covered with some form of slipcover, most of which didn't fit right, and looked HORRENDOUS...It was either that, or the matching chair, which I still own, and still sits under a slip-cover, but is now only used when there are too many people at my house for the couch (which is rarely). This couch was the first major piece of furniture I bought myself, and I'm very proud of it. It is beautiful in my eyes, is made of that great micro-suede material that you can spill tomato soup on and it washes off (trust me, I've actually done this), and is ultra comfortable. AND of course, there is the chaise lounge portion of it that I just love. Here's a close-up.

This is where I park my behind most evenings after work, reading, watching television, talking on the phone, and even falling asleep.

My current other favorite lounge spot is one of the three floaty chair/bed/thingys in my parents' new pool. I spent the entire weekend loungin' in their pool (I also did a ton of water aerobics while there), and there is nothing like laying on one of these floaties and just spacing out...words cannot describe the feeling, so I won't even try...

Here's the pool:

Here's one of the chairs:

And this "shell" thing, is ridiculously comfortable, I almost fell asleep in it today:

There is also one of those mattress/bed things, but I didn't get a picture of that one. I spend most of my time on this pink thing anyway...

And then, of course, there is my bed...I don't so much "lounge" as I sleep, but this bed, which I purchased before I even bought my condo, is so incredibly comfortable all these years later, that I still find myself saying "I love this bed" when I lay in it every night...aaahhhhh....

There you have it, my lounge spots!

This was fun! Happy Monday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ok first off, I love the color of the walls in that last picture. Can you tell I've been looking at paint colors lately? The pool looks very relaxing as does the couch. All great places to relax.

Beccy said...

I want your couch!!! I love the style, colour and shape and the materials sounds cosy and you can wash it...perfect!

The loungers in the pool look great too.

Anonymous said...

I was looking at those chaise type couches wondering how they would be. It's good to hear an endorsement.

The pool looks GREAT!

MommaBoo said...

I'll be by in about an hour for a dip in your pool. Also, I love your bed! It really looks so comfy!

Thanks for sharing!

Happy Fun Monday

Anonymous said...

I love the pool chair and the pool mattress -- so cute! But your chaise loungy thing on your couch is callllllllinggggggg out to me;), lol.

ChrisB said...

I love all three of your relaxing zones. Your 'couch' looks incredibly cosy and I know exactly what you mean about floating on water (not that I get much opportunity) and a comfortable bed is a must.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could jump in that pool right now. It's very hot here and I would love to be on one of those chaise lounges floating around.

theotherbear said...

I really wanted a chaise lounge when I bought mine but ended up going with something different. Now I wish I had bought the chaise lounge. However the best spot of all has to be lying on a floaty thing in your pool!

willowtree said...

I love that couch! It's the same colour as Frasier's. I'm looking at getting one of those with the leg bit, I think they're great.

Kaytabug said...

I love your couch, especially the chaise lounge portion! I really want one, used to have one that didn’t go with a couch. I was stupid and tossed it instead of getting it reupholstered. I was young and dumb.

Tiggerlane said...

Ah...I would totally hang out in your pool, until blackened and burned to a crisp.

Rebecca said...

Oooh, I'm jealous! I so miss having a pool to lounge in during the summer. And your couch sounds like SuperCouch, I need that microwhatever stuff on everything in my life (I'm always spilling something.) :-)

bichonpawz said...

LOVE your couch!! And with the heat we've been having lately...the Pool looks fabulous too!

Literary Feline said...

That is a great couch, Karina. Someday I'll be able to get a brand new one . . . I hate mine. We've had it forever--an old hand me down from my husband's great grandmother. It's served its purpose, but I wish we could upgrade.

I love your bed--and your bedroom! I agree, those colors are fantastic!

And the pool . . . I'll be right over!