Fun Monday this week is being hosted by Becky (a fellow She Who Blogger) at Give it a Try. She says:
I want to know what your favorite treat is. Is it sweet or sour? Is it plain or salty? Is it candy or chocolate? Is it homemade or store bought? For instance, if your favorite is chocolate, tell us what kind specifically - sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes not so much. I have heard a lot of talk about Junior Mints, but is it your favorite or just a tasty treat? It can be anything, popcorn, peanuts, ice cream or chips, maybe you have more than one favorite - that is ok, just show us your favorite(s) and tell us why you like it so much. C’mon, what gets you all juiced up?
This is ridiculously tough for me, because I don't know that I have a "favorite" treat, so much as a bunch of treats, depending on the mood.
In general, I'm not much for sweets, so my treats tend to be more of the spicy and salty variety. But then, of course, there is chocolate! Chocolate is ALWAYS a treat.

Because I am on somewhat of a "health kick" (I refuse to call it a diet), my "treat" intake has been limited. I do, however, allow myself ONE bite-sized chocolate piece each evening. Always DARK chocolate, and always the decadent stuff. If I'm going to "splurge", I'm going to make it worth it. I switch it up between Lindt Dark Chocolate Truffles and other delicacies. The chocolate of the moment is "Dove" dark bitesizes. I love these things, and they come with the added bonus that each wrapper has a sweet little saying (sort of like a fortune cookie) on the inside.
My other treat, which I just CANNOT do without, is cheese. Any kind of cheese. I will buy sliced provolone, for example, and just eat a slice, by itself, as a treat. Or, I will buy fresh mozzarella, and it'll disappear with no explanation...just a little bite, here and there, and it's all gone before I know it. I just bought some low-fat wheat crackers, so that I could enjoy THIS:
Yep, it's all about the cheese.
Finally, spicy stuff. My Asian friends have introduced me to all sorts of interesting combinations and concoctions through the years. My favorite, is, by far, a salt and chilli pepper mixture, which is then added to fruits such as grapefruit or mango, (you dip the fruit in, gently, to this mix), which makes for this sweet and sour and spicy combination that is to die for. I have no chilli peppers today, however, so you just get a shot of the mangos.

And there you have it, my treats!!!
Be sure to visit Becky for the list of participants, and check out "The Other Bear" for next week's assignment.
I love the new look. It is easy to read too (OMG, I must be getting old saying something like that).
I like your treat selections! I want to hear more about the salt and chili pepper dip stuff - that sounds really interesting. I also love nuts and wasabi. Can't get enough wasabi!
I almost put Lindt chocolate truffles as well! I actually have a box of them at my desk right now that I eat at ANY time of the day :)
Great treats!
I love the Lindt truffles...except I am a milk chocolate hubby loves the dark choco!!
I admire how disciplined you are with your daily treat -enjoy:)
I am not much of a sweets person either! Give me spicy and salty any day!
with you on the cheese, but not brie.
and not sure what wasabi's are but would probable like them, i like most food me!
Oh man how I love chocolate and cheese! BTW, I can't read what you write in the red on black - hurts my eyes!
Oh, and I posted the results from the TT13 Movie Q's.
Happy Monday! :-)
I love dark chocolate truffles!
It's interesting how many of us love chocolate and cheese...YUM!
Beckie, Thanks, glad you like the new look, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out too. I think I'll do a recipe post soon about the chilli stuff as well as some other traditional Asian dishes my friends have introduced me to...
Happy WM and Kaytabug, I was actually in a Lindt outlet store this weekend and managed to walk out without buying a thing...I'm not really sure how I did that, but I'm regretting it now.
ChrisB, I am pretty good at limiting my chocolate intake, it's the cheese snacks I'm really bad with.
Rachel, there's just something about salty and spicy, isn't there?
Her Indoors, Wasabi is a Japanese spice, usually used on the side in a paste, with sushi, but sometimes they sell it as a hard shell to peanuts...very spicy in a "ouch my brain hurts" kind of way.
Frigga, I've already been to read the results of the q's, but am heading back there to comment in a moment! Also, Note to more red font on black background. CHECK! ;-)
Nikki, and they say dark chocolate is good for you. ;-)
Tiggerlane, when I was young I used to eat chocolate and cheese together, cut into pieces, on a plate as a snack...yum.
I was right with you until you got to the spicey stuff. After 18 years my husband is still trying to convince me that it's wonderful...I think it's a lost cause!
Hey!! Cool on the wasabi!! I just bought some wasabi snack-shun this weekend for myself and the good doctor!!
I think you are the only one this Fun Monday to post on wasabi!!
How do you eat just one piece of chocolate? If only I could eat in moderation......
Mmmm, I love wasabi almonds. Now about that little "fortune" on the Dove wrapper--do you feel compelled to obey? Because what *feels* right is often eating the whole bag. But not hidden in the corner of the dark pantry because that would mean you're ashamed of it. No, my friend, eat your bag of chocolate proudly because it is the *right* thing to do. Thus saith the Dove wrapper!
Those Dove chocolates are sinfully delicious!!!!
when I got to the spice part my saliva glands started responding. They nearly hurt they were reacting so violently.
You seem to like a wide range of treats. I rather enjoy a slice of provolone myself.
Funny to someone else have Dove bitesizes on their blog too. :) I LOVE the Dark Chocolate Kisses but just the milk chocolate Dove. :)
DARK Chocolate is the ultimate treat! You ARE incredibly disciplined to only have ONE. Good Luck!!
I'm a recent convert to dark chocolate (for diet reasons) but a milk chocolate bar would be my favourite.
John loves those dark lindt balls.
I'd join you in the cheese :)
I'll be over in a bit to snack with ya.
Any movie requets?
We have such similar tastes!
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