Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - PSST, I've got something to tell you.

Visit other Wordless Wednesday Participants.


The Rock Chick said...

It just fascinates me how the birds like that can speak. We have one at a local pet store and he is just a riot! Sometimes I go there just to visit him-he makes me smile!

He also makes a big mess in the store, which is the only reason I haven't brought him home :)

Happy WW
Jessica The Rock Chick

Julia Phillips Smith said...

My mom and sister have budgies and they are a pair of characters, let me tell you. They have given the lie to the phrase 'bird brain' many times over.

I love the birds' interaction in the shot. I'm sure they are sharing a secret!

Katja said...

I know, they are so cool! My in-laws used to have one, and when the phone rang, he would always say "hello, hello" and it so funny. He also learnt our dogs name, and the dog of course got pretty upset when the bird was saying his name :)

Rebecca said...

Wait, what's the secret?