Your assigment this week:
I want to see your security blankets. No, not the kind Linus carries around with him in the Charlie Brown cartoons, although, if you have one of those, by all means share it. What I want to see are the items you just cannot leave home without. What is it that if you leave your house without, you feel naked, incomplete, not quite right? This can be one thing or many things. And since most of us don't live in a clothing optional society, lets just assume we all leave the house fully dressed...I want to hear about those other things...the extras. The things that make women's purses so heavy and men's pockets so messy (I'm going to get grief for this one, aren't I?) What can't you leave home without? Show us pictures, tell us stories...have fun!
If you'd like to participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll add you to the list, there's still time to join!
Here is your list of participants for this week. If I missed you, messed up your link, etc., please let me know...
Junebug (who signed on not knowing the assignment);
Swampy (who also signed on not knowing the assignment, but she planned on breaking the rules anyway);
Janet (from another planet),
Lisa (from Lisa's Chaos),
Joy T.,
Nikki (the crazy mom),
Robin (the pensieve one),
Deborah (the humble housewife - who's volunteered to host next week - Thanks, you're on!), Alisonwonderland,
Sandy (of myanderings),
Lisa (the food snob),
Beckie (at Give it a Try),
BS ,
Robin (of my two blessings),
And a few late entries (better late than never, I say):
Izzak (my4kids' son - he's 12, so mind your manners)
Thanks for letting me host this week! See you all next Monday!
i'm so in. i got this one nailed (and too bad about the coffee cups cuz i wasn't a fun monday'er then and i would have liked to do that!)
I'd like to "play" too. I intended to do Willowtree's and then just couldn't.
Sign me up. Although I have no idea about the security blanket thing...
You know what? I was so excited I almost skipped down to sign up but then I thought it was too long for her to go on about coffee cups! I am so bummed!! BUT you picked a great second! I am IN!!!
Sign me up. :)
okay, Im in, but I am so cleaning out my handbag first. God only knows what you would find in there.
And I think your idea is much more interesting than boring old coffee cups.
This sounds like a great one. Sign me up please :o)
Sounds fun I'm in!
Count me in! Great idea.
I'm in.
PS You could have done the coffee mug again, it would have been okay, people have more than one mug!
I'm not home right now, so I'm trying to decide what I HAD to have when I left this morning, lol.
Count me in...I'll come up with something :).
I'm in for the Humble Housewife blog! I'd also be happy to host if you don't have anyone yet! Cool topic... might be a long post! ;-)
i'm in - although i'm going to have to think about this ... :o)
(i post Fun Monday on We're All Mad Here.)
Count me in, please! Great idea - now I just have to figure out which of the 97 indispensable things in my purse is the one truly indispensable one!
Count me in, I'll have to research myself to see what I REALLY need to walk out the door!
Count me in! I'm not sure what it is that I am going to post about, but definitely count me in.
Please count me in and I'll get my thinking cap on!
I am in, shame about the coffee cups it was a good idea and I missed it first time round. But this is very cool too.
well, it worked pretty damn well the first time--i got more hits than i ever get on a monday! so here i go, in for one, in for two.. sign me up.
I'm in.
Sounds good. I'm not sure what I can't live without, but I'm in.
Thank You, Sweety. I'm off on my broom again tomorrow, but will do my best to break the rules AGAIN.
count me in!
I'll participate in this one. Thanks for hosting.
Count me in
I'll do it!
Since I was bad and missed last week's, I'll try to redeem myslef with this one.
OK...sign me up!
I am in. But I don't carry mine around with it... I just HAVE to have it to sleep. That counts , right???
Okay, I'm in! But my security blanket? I am beginning to think it is my computer...
Okay - I'll sign up.
(Tell me how you do sticky posts and I might offer to host one day.)
Please sign me up!
I'll play. Thanks for hosting!! Great idea!
Count me in. I know exactly what I can't leave home without (under no circumstance).
Who the heck is anon with all the ? ? ? above?
Okay, something, something for security....*thinking* something that I just CAN'T leave home without!!
Okay, sign me up. This will be a snap.
I think I was spammed...I deleted it...
Sign me up, please. Thanks.
Sign me up please. :)
I am in. I too wish that I was around the blogsphere for the coffee cup one...
Oh, what the heck. I'll try again!
SORRY I SO LATE SIGNING UP...but i want to be a part of this mondday--
sorry i forgot the blog link
The Momdum Chronicles
Count me in for this one... sounds like fun!
Count me in, I had to think if there was somethingi HAVE to have but i finaly found it..... looking forward to everyones posts.
Count me in... Sounds silly and fun!
robin of mytwoblessings
Please add me to the list, though I haven't a clue what I'll post.
How about an easy one next time?
It wouldn't be Monday in Bubble's world without the "Fun".
Count me in...and I actually have a security blanket so expect the ugly, naked truth from me :)
ok i'm in.
I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date.
I am going to try and get a post up for tomorrow.
This has been a difficult one for me - trying to think about what I "won't leave home without."
ps. there's no rules about revisiting an old topic
especially when so many new participants enroll....
if it was fun once, it would be fun again!!!
This a late entry, but I will give this a whirl. Please sign me up too.
Huh. I thought I already signed up, but maybe I didn't... You can count me in!
I also thought I had signed up....my memory isn't what it used to be! Hope it's not too late!!
I lost track of Fun Monday while on vacation. Please count me in. I'm sorry for being tardy!
Oh no! I forgot to sign up.
I'm playing.
I'm in...late but in.
My son Izzak participated this week also please link his blog as well at http://izzaks.blogspot.com/
He's 12. Thanks!
I am up now, so put me on the list when you get a chance. Sorry I am signing up late, I wasn't sure I would have time to do it.
sign me up!
Sorry for posting so late. I'll explain on my blog!
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