UPDATED because I'm an airhead!!!
Well, it would figure that on the week I'm hosting Fun Monday, I'd run into camera issues just as I was about to take my pictures! sigh... No worries, the camera is fine, the batteries were just running out of juice, so I kept getting out of focus pictures. Anyway, the assignment this week was:
"I want to see your security blankets. No, not the kind Linus carries around with him in the Charlie Brown cartoons, although, if you have one of those, by all means share it. What I want to see are the items you just cannot leave home without. What is it that if you leave your house without, you feel naked, incomplete, not quite right? This can be one thing or many things. And since most of us don't live in a clothing optional society, lets just assume we all leave the house fully dressed...I want to hear about those other things...the extras. The things that make women's purses so heavy and men's pockets so messy (I'm going to get grief for this one, aren't I?) What can't you leave home without? Show us pictures, tell us stories...have fun!"
So, what are my "must haves"? I think my things are pretty typical ones. For starters, there are my keys. By themselves, this is not that unusual, after all, most people need keys to get in their car, back in their house, etc. We all take our keys with us when we go out, right?
BUT, my keys:
My keys include not only my house and car keys, but also keys to my parents house, which I always carry with me, and the one thing I never leave home without...yes, that's a tube of chapstick attached to my keys. I have a bit of a chapstick addiction...at any given time I will have three tubes of chapstick with me. In my purse, jacket pockets, in my desk at work, and yes, attached to my keys.
Then there is my cell phone:
Next up?
My wallet of course. I may not always take the whole wallet, but I go nowhere without at least my driver's license, debit card, and whatever cash I've got on hand. A pen, because you never know when you'll need to jot something down...I ALWAYS carry at least one pen, and gum. Not always the same flavor, but always gum...I'm addicted to the stuf.
And finally?
Sorry for the poor quality of the photo, but that, my friends is my eyeliner. I don't take the actual pencil with me, but I never leave the house without applying eyeliner. I may not put on any other make-up (though I usually do), but eyeliner is a must. I feel washed out, not awake, not quite me, without eyeliner.
Other things I completely spaced out on? My sunglasses because I have a wicked sensitivity to light...I think I forgot these because technically they are never "at home", I wear glasses full time, therefore I have a pair of prescription sunglasses, and I keep those in my car, but therefore, I always have them because I drive everywhere. Also, my watch...I will NEVER leave the house without my watch. And of course, my camera. I seriously think I forgot the camera because I was holding it as I was studying the contents of my purse trying to figure out what else was in there that I needed to photograph...forgetting to photograph the camera itself. DUH...I'm sure I'll think of other things I forgot, but...
There are plenty of other things I carry around with me on a daily basis, including my mp3 player (the cell phone needs a bigger memory card, which I have yet to purchase), a book, eyeglass cleaner, lipstick, etc. But the above are the things I am NEVER without.
And a bonus...this is a follow up to last week's Fun Monday...I mentioned my Care Bears T-Shirt, which I couldn't find. Well, after a thourough cleaning of my closet this afternoon, I found the shirt. So, this is for you Frigga:
(It says "I'm Having a Bad Day")
And the back:
Yeah, you know you're jealous! ;-)
Be sure to visit Deborah, The Humble Housewife, as she's volunteered to host next week!
Thanks again for letting me host this week, it was fun...can't wait to see what you all came up with!
Thank you for hosting this week's Fun Monday. I am enjoying visiting our Fun Monday buddies and reading about their security items. The chapstick holder looks like a handy device. Things like chapstick disaapear into the bottomless pit of my purse.
That is some kind of wad of keys!
That Care Bear shirt is definitely a keeper. :)
You thought of a wonderful topic this week. I am with you on the gum. I quit chewing gum for the year and a half I had to wear invisalign retainers, but now I am back to gum, although not quite as much. I usually just chew after eating if I can't brush my teeth and then spit it out soon.
This was fun! We have chapstick in common, but my purse is a lot more full than yours. Maybe I need to dump some stuff out.
Thanks for hosting this week. I'm having a wonderful first Fun Monday.
As one lip balm junkie to another, where did you get your little chapstick holder? That is way cool!
I love that shirt. Your phone is cute too. I enjoyed doing yor topic. Thanks for hosting Fun Monday!
Your cell phone is cute. I like mine best though and it is my security blanket as well. The carebear shirt is cute.
My son has just become addicted to the Care Bears. They only come on once a week, and depending on how you look at it that is a blessing or a curse! Anyway, he'd love the shirt!
Thanks for hosting! I'm to chicken to do it myself....
Thanks for hosting, you did a great job.
That chapstick thing is the best gadget I've ever seen! I have lots of tubes because I keep forgetting to tame one with me!
I like the pink phone. Now if I had a pink phone I might actually be enticed to carry it around with me! Maybe!
Oh yes! I so agree with you on the whole phone thing....and the chapstick and/or lipstick and/or gloss! I love your new phone...very cute. Thanks for hosting and Happy Monday!
Great topic this week Karina. Great job! I love the chapstick holder, I've never seen anything like that. Pretty handy.
I agree....that is some kinda bunch of keys!!!!! Makes me think --It ain't heavy---it's my key-ey-ey-s!!!!
My American Express MOANDAY of FUN is posted.
Ahhhh! A book! I ALWAYS have "some" book with me, too! BUT, can you tell I haven't been reading much lately...if I had, I wouldn't have forgotten to include it, right? :)
Chapstick is a big staple in our family, too--your keychain is a GREAT idea. It would've been fun(ny) if you took a picture of ONE of your eyes to show us the eyeliner...freaky funny :).
Love your Care Bear shirt, especially the back. ((hugs)) and thanks for hosting!
i totally would have worn that shirt in college! now it would draw too much attention and jealousy from the hubby! and get weird hugs from strangers.
Thanks for hosting, it was a great idea.
I love your chapstick holder, it's a brilliant invention, where did you get it?
The care bears t-shirt is very cute
The pink phone is great!! My question is... your phone has all the bells and whistles, but do you USE all the bells and whistles?!?!? Sadly, I do not!
Happy Monday!
Thanks for hosting.
When I emptied my hand bag I found 3 sticks of lip sun block. I always used to chew gum when I was driving until I read you actually swallowed a lot of air.
Your cell phone is cute you will laugh when you see my old thing!!
Thanks for hosting, good job!
I want that Care Bear tshirt!!! I love it (and the pink phone too!)
I'm a chapstick addict too. Thanks for hosting.
Great job hosting! I feel much better now - you have almost as many keys as I do! Thanks again - and I LOVE the CareBear shirt.
HA! Funny about the chapstick. I outed my addiction to Afrin on my Fun Monday post :)
I thought I had a big set of keys but you have me beat!
Thanks for hosting, it was a great and creative assignment!
Great Fun Monday topic! And I'm glad I did the assignment correctly - based on your post. I'm still wondering how you keep the lid on your chap stick.
Cute cell phone!
You have many of the same things I do. I don't have eyeliner, my thing is mascara. I hate when I put on my other make up, get a call, and forget the mascara. I have an unopened one in my purse and when it gets opened due to an emergency, I will replace it with an new one, and use the opened one in the house. I also have a number of lip balms floating around, probably why I started selling Avon. Great list.
That chapstick holder is just too nifty. I likee!
I love the chapstick holder.
I call my youngest boy Grumpy bear. My middle was grumpy gus...I don't remember what I called my first...maybe he wasn't that grumpy.
Great job this week! Thanks for hosting!!
You certainly have quite a set of keys! I enjoyed your theme.
Thanks for being our host. Love the cell phone!
Thanks for hosting Karina!
I got a bit addicted to chapstick a few weeks ago and ended up dying from the worst chapped lips ever when I stopped using it! Never again! ;-) But my hubby uses enough for both of us!
Your phone looks awesome... GPS? Wow!
Thanks again. Hope to see you next week!?
I didn't participate(in between a move)...
but congratulations, for hosting it.
My bag's usually my mini universe, I carry a lot of stuff around, from wallet and phone, to perfume and organizer, a small notepad to fit in some writing, back up makeup pouch, lip balm, sunglasses, sanitizer, tissues...
These were great, Karina! I noticed your keychain chapstick just after I'd gotten up from the computer to put some on myself. And I love your Care Bear Tshirt.
Thanks for hosting. Good topic!!
Keys are important to most people I visited today. Lots of stuff you can't leave home without.
You travel fairly light. Seems I'm the only lugging around half my house. :)
Ohhh that's so awesome! Thanks for the link love!! :P And that Care Bears shirt rocks! It so so perfect for today. I posted why, along with *some* details of Sat. night... ;-0
As for the "can't leave home without" well, I haven't owned eyeliner since... wait, I've never owned eye liner before :D My phone sucks and I never use it, but yes, I take it everywhere anyway. Same with pretty much everything else you mentioned. :-)
I just found you through Pamela. Chapstick IS addicting, isn't it?!
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