Monday, October 08, 2007

Fun Monday - Come to my window

Pamela at The Dust Will Wait is hosting this week's Fun Monday. She said: "I want to see what you see on any given morning this week; from somewhere very near where you live. Front porch, back porch, down the street, around the corner. Just makes sure it's your neighborhood. Post a photo that will send me to the travel agent to book a weekend at your local Bed & Breakfast."

Well then, without further ado, here is the view from my balcony:

Not too shabby, right? Actually, living in a condo complex, at the top of a hill, I have one of the nicest views of any of the condos here. My apartment faces the "driveway" into our complex, and on any given day I can catch squirrels running to and fro, birds flying from tree to tree, and the random neighborhoo cat searching for the aforementined critters. My apartment also faces south, so I get some really great sunshine in the mornings and early afternoons. Perfect for sitting on the balcony with a good book when the weather is nice. When the weather is not so nice? Well, this is the view from my balcony in the winter time:

Yes, that driveway is quite treacherous with snow (you should see the portion of the hill that is not visible in this photo), but they do a good enough job of keeping it plowed most days.

Here is a shot taken from my bedroom window on that same winter day...another one of my views:

I don't actually open the blinds much in that room though, so it's not a view I see very often.

But, since Pamela wanted to see something to make her run out and book the nearest B&B (I don't think we have B&B's around here, but hey, we have very nice hotels), I figured I'd give you a bit more.

The following shots are not exactly from my neighborhood since I live off a pretty busy street, and therefore, not in a very photogenic area. But, they are from the boulevard at the Merrimack River, about 10 minutes from my house. I walk there almost daily when the weather is nice, so I consider it part of my neighborhood. (Most of these shots were taken during an exceptionally warm day in January of this year, I wanted to go out and get some recent photos, but was still feeling too sick most of last week, and this weekend have been busy doing everything I couldn't do because I was sick).

I was all excited about showing some "Foliage" shots, since we get some really drastic colors around here, but the unseasonably hot weather we've been having (it was high 80's most of last week) have kept the leaves from changing yet. We're hoping from some fiery colors in the next few weeks.

I can't wait to see your "neighborhoods". Make sure to visit Pamela for other Fun Mondayers, and be sure to visit Janet next week, as she will be hosting the next Fun Monday.

Also, if you want to see a new side of me, check out the post below this one, and for a LawBoy update, go down one more, or click here.


Anonymous said...

It must be so nice to live that close to water. I love the sunset picture. I am not looking forward to the return of that cold white stuff.

LIBSMOM said...

The snow is amazing!! How I wish we could get some of that white stuff more than once every 40 years :( Beautiful views!
Sorry to hear that you've been sick.
Thanks for leaving me a comment too!! Fun Monday was indeed, FUN!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. The tour of 'your place' was very, very nice. I expecially like the snow and the sun.

Amanda said...

Oh, I would love to live near the water!! Thanks for sharing, Karina!

Anonymous said...

send some snow this way NOW! Its too freaking hot!

Sayre said...

That looks like a great place to walk or bike or run. Do you get a nice breeze?

HOw I miss snow...

katy said...

beautiful, would love to join you on that walk

Anonymous said...

I love the water. You have a lovely view from the condo, too.

Anonymous said...


Sandy said...

I envy you your water! Our closest body of water is the stock tank in the neighbor's pasture! I am getting so many great vacation destination ideas reading today's posts. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you for living in such a beautiful area!

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing the same thing from almost all the bloggers - the fall colors aren't coming due to the heat. I hope it cools off for you soon.

Anonymous said...

I liked the shots for your condo, I've lived in condos a few times, and it's always great to get a view of nature.

The river is sweeet!!

karisma said...

Very nice! Love the water shots, just stunning!

Susan said...

we are just barely getting foliage weather here - it's about time! I like that you showed your extended neighborhood. We chose our general vicinity as much as we chose our specific homes.

theotherbear said...

What a lovely spot! You have a fabulous view. Look forward to seeing the foliage shots in a few weeks.

my4kids said...

I like your snow views! I love winter so in my opinion it always makes way for great photos!

Tiggerlane said...

I would love to be that close to the Merrimac....and to have snow more often than we do.

And actually, I would love to live in a condo!