This week’s Popinjay prompt is Curious – eager to know about something, too inquisitive…
I know a while back, when we first started popinjay, there were some rules about no kids or pets…I also know we’ve all taken it upon ourselves to break all the rules somewhere along the way, lol.
SO, this week, I am once again breaking the rules, because well…let’s be honest, what’s more curious than a cat?
And I have two.
This is Turtle…
...investigating the only plant I’ve ever managed to keep and not kill.
When this plant started out in my house, about 3 years ago, it was a little bitty thing…it is now a tree. It was taller, actually, but the twins (the kitties) got quite CURIOUS about it when they first came home, and knocked it over, and broke the top half clean off.
Still, my lovely tree/plant thrives.
And still the cats are curious…
Oh, that plant's going down!
and it's going down soon!! LOL
There's a reason for the saying "curiosity killed the cat." ; ) Nosy little stinkers. ;P
I don't know, that new pot I got that it's in is pretty tall, so they can't knock it over...um...I think! lol
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