Preparations for this retreat began months ago. It involves a lot of time, sacrifice and hard work. It involves a lot of prayer. It involves a lot of love.
Every year, as the preparations are happening, there is a mixture of anticipation and "why do I always do this to myself?" ;-) But I know why, I always know why.
I spent the weekend with my closest friends, my faith family, and with an amazing group of young kids. I'll tell you right now that whatever society wants us to believe about teenagers today, they haven't looked hard enough at these kids. They haven't given them a chance. I work with youth a lot and again and again I'm reminded that "kids today" are amazing. They are intelligent, and caring and loving, and amazing.
I spent the weekend with God.
I came home recharged, filled with love and awe, and hope.
There was nothing Fake about this weekend...
Except for the tattoos...

Those were fake. ;-)
Pop on over to Michelle's to see what kind of fake things others are picturing this week...
Love it! Glad you had such a great weekend, what a blessing! =)
I still have to think of something. Michelle "stole" my idea. Or, er, got to it first, I guess. =p
Oooooh I love that you work with teens. I love them, they're so full of life and energy and want to do so much!
Amber--You can totally post the same thing!!
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