Remember when we were kids and we used to write letters to Santa with all these things we wanted for Christmas, that most likely were unreasonably priced and not at likely to be gifted to us by our working class parents? We didn’t know that then, we didn’t know that asking for a $300 bike was insane, and that we would wind up with a $50 bike (which we’d be just as happy with anyway). The great thing about writing those letters was that we could ask for WHATEVER we wanted, no matter how crazy it sounded, because it was SANTA, he was expecting us to “dream big”.
So, in the spirit of a completely innocent child asking for a pony for Christmas, I’ve decided to write my very own letter to Santa.
Dear Santa,
How is the North Pole? I hope it’s not too cold there. It’s been really cold here lately, and on Friday we got about 18 inches of snow, so I can only imagine what it must be like up there. Are you very busy? Of course you are, this is your busy season after all, isn’t it? How are the elves doing? And Mrs. Claus? Have the reindeer been training hard for their big night?
I have been getting everything ready, and am excited to report that I’ve managed to get into the Christmas spirit after all. I know you were worried there for a minute. But I’ve done my shopping, and even all my wrapping, my Christmas cards are almost ready to go, and the decorations are all up. I’ve even already had my annual Christmas Party at home, and it was a lovely event.
So, Santa, I’ve been a really good girl all year. At work, I’ve been saddled with about 8 times the responsibilities I had last year, and I’ve worked very hard at trying to handle them all. And even though at times it’s been very frustrating and crazy, I’ve really tried to be positive about it all, and not focus on the negatives. Outside of work, I’ve tried really hard all year to focus on being a good friend, a good big sister to Kayla and a good daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin. I’ve smiled at strangers who looked like they could use a smile, and I’ve taken in a kitten and given her a home. I’ve kept my swearing, yelling and road rage to INSIDE of my vehicle when on the road, where nobody could hear me. I know I haven’t intentionally hurt anyone this year, and I really can’t think of any time when I un-intentionally did so either. At least I hope I haven’t.
With that said, here’s a list of the things I want this Christmas that only you can deliver for me:
I would like a Blackberry, a Treo, a T-Mobile sidekick or this thing: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1227327&Sku=M240-1001&SRCCODE=YAHOODF&CMP=SPC-YAHOO
A new Coach Handbag, preferably this one: http://www.coach.com/aspx/content/product.aspx?product_no=7803&category_id=68, this one: http://www.coach.com/aspx/content/product.aspx?product_no=7378&category_id=68 or even this one: http://www.coach.com/aspx/content/product.aspx?product_no=7574&category_id=68
I would also like some new shoes, I particularly like these by Carlos Santana: http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/2383263/c/585.html; or these Baby Phat ones: http://www.babyphat.com/nshop/product.php?view=detail&productid=BP-BPD50102_Stone&startColor=&groupName=evening&category=footwear (see, I’m not even asking for Manolos);
I’d also love a digital camera. This one is nice: http://www.sharperimage.com/us/en/catalog/productview.jhtml?sku=CO746&source=16010&cm_ven=MSN&cm_cat=feed&cm_ite=CO746
OOH, I almost forgot…A Satellite Radio, such as Sirius would be a nice gift too.
And who couldn’t use an LCD TV? http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Sony%20KDF-E55A20%20Television:1992134876;_ylt=AlDTXEvB8c3fzZ_8Q4JsYuZPj3UC;_ylu=X3oDMTBuODM1YTJjBF9zAzU3NjkwMzg1BGx0AzQEc2VjA3Ny?clink=dmss//ctx=sc:ctelevisions,c:ctelevisions,mid:59,pid:1992134876,pdid:59,pos:1
And finally, I’d like to be able to shop like Paris Hilton for just one day.
Thank you Santa, I promise I’ll be just as good (or maybe even better) next year.
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