Friday, January 29, 2010
31 Day Fitness Challenge - Uh...yeah, that one
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Not Always Bliss
Warning, I am about to step on my soap box...
shame on you America: the only country where they have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet they have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations,and I have to get asked to donate $ every where I go but yet we...can't keep our own country right!! 99% of people won't have balls to copy and report this!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Truth on Tuesday
Sunday, January 24, 2010
popinjay - Photochallenge - DORKY

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Concert Reviews - 2 for the price of none.
By the way, this is Parachute:
And so many others, not put on a great show, right? Right...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Who put a four leaf clover in my champagne?
Friday, January 15, 2010
31 Day Fitness Challenge - Week 2
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Not Unlike a Sponge
Monday, January 11, 2010
popinjay - Photochallenge - HOPE

pop⋅in⋅jay--noun--a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter.
In other words, blogging. ;)Isn't that what this personal blogging is all about? Me. Me. Me. For this photo challenge, that's perfect. We're going to dig inside of ourselves and do some "concept photography."
I'm going to give you a word and you're going to take a photo of something that describes the concept of the word.
- You CANNOT take pictures of your kids or your pets for this challenge. Or anyone else's kids or pets. I know they're precious, but they make your creative bone lazy. Let's get outside of the box. Let's be challenged.
Friday, January 08, 2010
31 Day Fitness Challenge
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Movie Reviews - August Rush and Body of Lies

I watched two movies this past weekend, and they couldn’t have been any more different from one another.
The first, is a movie I’ve been wanting to see since it was in the theatres back in 2007. I never made it then, and a few months ago TIVO decided I might like to watch it and recorded it for me. It’s been sitting in my tivo for months now, waiting for the right opportunity to be watched. Friday night it finally felt like the right time. (don’t ask, I have to be in the mood for movie watching, something to do with my short attention span…lol)
Anyway, back to the movie.
Starring Kerri Russell (Lyla Novacek), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Louis Connelly) and Freddie Highmore as August Rush himself, this movie is the story of a little boy who grows up in an orphanage, believing he can “hear” his real parents. He sets off on a mission to find them, and that’s where the story really takes off.
The cast in this movie was superb. I have always loved Kerri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers completely won me over in this role, and little Freddie is just a joy to watch. Also amazing in this cast were Robin Williams (when is he ever not amazing?), Terrence Howard (who I have loved since Dead Presidents way back in 1995), and a slew of other supporting cast members.
But the true star of this movie is the music. Both the written songs and melodies (some sung quite well by Meyers himself) and the sounds of nature that play such a huge role in the magic of the movie.
And magic it was. This movie was simply a beautiful, sweet, magical story. As a HUGE music lover, and the indescribable force it carries, I was completely smitten with the story. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, so I’ll refrain from saying too much more, but I will say that if you love music, and if you believe (as I do) that there is something about music that can just reach into your soul and tell you things you never knew, then you will love this movie.
Also, the soundtrack is amazing.
I plan to buy both, this one is a must OWN.

The second movie I watched this weekend was Body of Lies. For all the “feel goodness” of August Rush, Body of Lies had the complete opposite feeling to it.
Starring Russell Crow and Leonardo DiCaprio it is a story about the CIA and terrorism in Afghanistan. Why in the world I chose to watch this movie, when I don’t even like watching the news is beyond me. Actually, it’s not that much of a mystery. Two words: Leo DiCaprio. I heart him. I will watch pretty much ANYTHING he’s in. I mean, come on, I watched The Beach (talk about a twisted, dark movie). That does not mean I have to like everything he stars in, but I will watch it.
Truth be told, part of the reason I will watch all his movies is that he has a knack for picking great movies to be in. In terms of his role in the movie, he did not disappoint. His character is complicated, and tortured, and a perfect Leo role. But I felt the plot left a lot to be desired, and when the movie ended, I as sort of left with a “what was the point?” feeling. I suppose, in a way, it was fitting, because let’s be honest, isn’t that the feeling we’re left with anytime anyone talks about this crazy war we’re in? What is the point, exactly?
Anyway, I’m not sure I can recommend watching this movie, but I also can’t tell you it was a bad movie. It was a war movie. Of the terrorism and government kind. So, if you like that sort of thing, you might like this one. I was underwhelmed, and really, the only thing I took away from it is the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio really is a great actor, and regardless of the plot, I will watch anything he stars in, because that boy can act. Doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes either.
Anyway, there you have it, my two latest movie reviews.
I promise some more "personal" blog posts in the very near future. I'm going to a concert tomorrow night, so I'll tell you all about that. And I have to update you on how I'm doing on my 31 days of exercise challenge...which reminds me, I have to go work out...later!