Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Some of my best friends are...
I started to tell you about some of my best friends in a recent “Fun Monday” post, and promised to introduce you to all of the misfits in my life as time allowed. Here then, is a little bit about my most “unique” group of friends.
As you know, this past weekend I attended a wedding in New York City (okay, technically it was in Queens, but whatever). And as promised, there will be details on the wedding, Grease, and LawBoy later in the week. But first, the full story of how I met Ms. B., the bride. A little background before I delve into my tales of the city.
Thanksgiving of this year will mark seven years since I started a little group on Yahoo Groups (back then it was Yahoo Clubs) which would forever change my life. It was the year my grandmother had passed away and therefore the first year that Thanksgiving would not take place at her home. A smaller version of the family headed to my mother’s house for dinner that year, and with low spirits, and not feeling as festive as in recent years, the party wound down much earlier than was customary. Once the relatives had left, I was depressed, and bored, and needed a distraction from the lack of celebration this particular Thanksgiving had brought. It was a time before MySpace and certainly before the explosion in the “blog-osphere”, and everyone was using means such as Yahoo “clubs” to communicate with complete strangers online. But I couldn’t find a “club” that fit me. I wasn’t looking for a dating group, I wasn’t looking to discuss my babies or my cats, or my hobbies…none of the “clubs” I found were appealing to me. So I decided to create my own. I started a group for women only…single women in their 20s just looking to talk about life without being hounded for their phone numbers by creepy guys.
So I started this group, and over the next few weeks and months a variety of women would join. Some jumped right in, others lurked for a bit, some stayed, others left. Within a few months though, there was a core of seven of us that were obviously what the group had been created for. As we got to know each other better, and began sharing more of our lives with one another, we decided it would be wise to close off the group to the public. It became more of a “meeting place” then an internet “chat room”. Over the next seven years we would have weddings, break-ups, home purchases, cross-country moves, a national terrorist attack, family deaths and births, dating misadventures, health scares, and other enumerable events that shape life in your 20’s and early 30’s. And we would share them ALL with one another.
It would be about a year before any of us would meet in person. Ms. B. was the first of the seven that I met. With her living right outside NYC and me right outside of Boston, it only made sense that we would arrange to meet. We hit it off instantly, as we already knew we would, and over the years we’ve spent many weekends at each other’s homes, as well as traveled together. A few of us planned a trip to Atlantic City one year, so that we could meet in person, and were thoroughly looking forward to the experience, but our trip was planned for the weekend after the world changed. Many frantic e-mails and phone calls later, after assurances that we were all okay, the trip was cancelled. Nobody in this country would be flying anywhere that week. But that dreadful day didn’t quell the love of travel in most of us. It was that love of travel that introduced both Ms. B. and I to the second of the seven. We met Texas when she invited us to join her on a cruise she had booked prior to the attacks. Without ever meeting her in person, we agreed. The look on people’s faces on that cruise when they would ask how we had met, and we would tell them “On the internet”, was priceless. We had a fantastic week on that cruise, and I only wish we could do it again. And then life got in the way, and money got tight for everyone, and plans to re-plan our Atlantic City weekend were never ironed out. A few of the other girls have arranged meetings along the way, and just last year I was able to reconnect with Texas for a quick dinner one night while she was in the area for a wedding. Ms. B. and I have continued our visits and weekend trips. But, with the exception of a recent attempt at meeting one other member, which unfortunately didn’t pan out due to a missed flight, it was not until this weekend that I was able to meet any of the other members of our group of seven.
As I mentioned in my Thursday Thirteen before I left, I was to be meeting Foxy and Bubbly this weekend, and I couldn’t have been more excited. After nearly 7 years of almost daily correspondence, we would finally have a face to face conversation.
Foxy and I arrived at the hotel at the same time on Friday, and after checking into our room (yes, we were sharing a room, and no, there was no anxiety about this), we proceeded to gab non-stop for the next two hours. The best way to describe our instant connection is to tell you that it was just as if we were old friends who hadn’t seen each other in years. I wasn’t “meeting” her; I was just in the same room as her for the first time. We met seven years ago. Later that evening we visited Ms. B. in her hotel room, so that she could meet Foxy as well, and again, the connection was instant.
Bubbly arrived the next day, while Foxy and I were eating lunch. She joined us at the lunch table, and again, there were no introductions, it was just a seamless entry into a comfortable conversation. Later that day, at the wedding, Bubbly and Ms. B. met for the first time as well. Strange that Ms. B. would invite girls she’d never met to her wedding? Not really, these are our greatest friends, separated only by the inconvenience of distance.
I’m happy to report that I had one of the most fantastic times ever this weekend. More on that later, but the bond with these girls is as real as any group of friends can have. Our uniqueness in the way we met only makes our friendship that much more special. It also made us the group to meet at the party. Everyone wanted to meet Ms. B’s internet friends; they were all fascinated by our story. They were also probably slightly shocked by the fact that we all knew more about them than they probably wanted us to know. We share EVERYTHING in our group posts.
I only hope we can meet up again sooner than another seven years. There are still two of the seven that I have yet to meet face to face. This does not make them any less special in my group of friends. I still value them as highly as any of my “real life” friends. Some of these girls know me better than any of my “day to day” friends. Some people have a group of friends from college…I have my internet friends.
When I grow up...
Here is how to play:If you had the opportunity to do a 1-year internship in a company or field completely unrelated to your current career or specialty, what would be your top 5 choices?
This is actually fairly easy for me, because there are several career paths I wanted to take, that just didn't work out for whatever reason. I'm still not really sure what I want to be when I grow up...but any of the following would be fun:
1. Dancer/choreographer. I've always wanted to be a dancer, and even now I find myself choreographing dance routines in my head when I hear certain songs.
2. Psychiatrist/counselor. I'm the friend everyone calls to tell their troubles to, so hey, maybe I could get paid to do what I already do for free!
3. Personal Stylist. I love shopping, I love clothes, I love to help people put outfits together...this would be the PERFECT job for me.
4. Interior decorator/designer. Same as above, but with homes...that could be so fun.
5. Writer. I'm still working on this one...I'll never give up on this one.
I'm supposed to tag five people, but I'm going to cheat a bit and just let you all answer as well if you choose to...either in comments, or on your own blogs. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Stories from the weekend in NYC still forthcoming. I haven't forgotten, just busy at work today...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Fun Monday - Is it cold in here?
In the meantime, the sun is out, I'm off work today, and mom's pool, and Harry Potter are calling my name.
So, I leave you with this week's Fun Monday. This week's fun Monday is being hosted by Amy W over at A Family Story. Her assignment:
We saw everyone's kitchen one week (just can't remember which week). Now I want to see INSIDE your refrigerator. And DO.NOT.CLEAN.IT.OUT. We want to see it in all its glory. However empty or full. And if you don't have a refrigerator? Show me your cooler, or whatever container you use to keep things nice and cool.
OOH, boy, my fridge is quite the mess after a weekend away...and I haven't quite figured out what article of food is stinking it up...that's a project for after the pool though...
In the meantime, here you go, my fridge fully exposed:
The outside features some artwork from my cousin's daughter, along with postcards, pictures, a birthday card my parents gave me that I love (yep from March), and random bits of things that make me smile.
My fridge is NEVER organized, but always full of condiments, sauces, salsas and the like:
Did I mention I'm a big fan of condiments and sauces and things?
The freezer is always pretty much jam packed, I spend a lot more time AWAY from home than I do at home, so frozen foods last longer and are safer for me to buy...however, note the empty shelves on the door to the freezer...need to hit the grocery store for my "lunch" foods sometime soon.
Well, there you have it, not too exciting, but it is what it is!
Don't forget to visit Amy's page (link up-top) to check out the other Fun Monday entrants.
I'm off to the pool!
Thursday, July 26, 2007

In honor of my mini-vacation, which starts promptly at 5:31 PM tonight and ends at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, this is what I will be doing: |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Some more monkeying around


Tuesday, July 24, 2007
SERIOUSLY? - Lets talk about men...
For those who don't know yet (and really, how could you not, I shout it from the rooftops most days), I'm single and damn comfortable and happy with my "singledom". However, as I've stated in here recently, after being single for the better part of four years (hmmm, quite possibly longer), I've decided to enter the dating world once again. I've figured what the heck, let's give this love thing a chance one more time. Besides, my life isn't nearly busy and crazy enough, I need to add some more drama and turbulance to it, so why not add men back into it...um, I mean boys...
So, it is with this mind set, and my newly slimmed down (and still slimming) and toned up (and still toning) body, and an attitude ready for adventure that I've begun smiling at complete strangers. And it is also with this new perspective that I decided to make a semi-move on someome that had been lingering in the background for several months now.
This is the particular boy I want to talk to you all about today. We'll call him LawBoy. I have known LawBoy for almost 8 years now, he was a lawyer at a lawfirm where I was a paralegal in one of my past jobs, before coming to this job. When I started that job I had a boyfriend, and I can't remember if LawBoy had a girlfriend or not, but we became friends. He's a good guy, funny, smart and was a good person to bounce stuff (such as "Do you think this jerk is cheating on me?") off of. Because we worked together, there was never any intention on my part of "hooking up", it would have been weird, I sort of worked "for him" on certain cases, and I'm SO not into that whole "dating the boss" thing. He wasn't my boss, but he was my superior of sorts. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. Point is, we never dated, and never really showed an interest in doing so. We were friendly, in and outside of work, we hung out, but never in a romantic way. When I left that job, we stayed in touch, and have kept in touch off and on for the last 4 years. He had a pretty serious girlfriend when I left that job, and to be honest, I've never asked whether or not they've broken up. However, conversations have led me to believe that he is now single again. For the record, he has not asked my relationship status of late either.
So, now you have the background. Let's move to the present situation.
Within the last year or so, he started randomly text messaging me. Random notes, such as "what's up" or "what are you up to tonight?" or "How are things"...just random. At this point, we'd sort of lost touch a bit, weren't emailing at all, and hadn't had a telephone conversation in at least a full year. I thought the messages to be random, but hey, we've always been cool, so I didn't think much of it. I would text back with the same sort of messages. The random part of it would be that I'd get a message on a Saturday night, for example, that would say "What's up?" and I'd reply "not much, heading out, you?" and he'd reply "yeah, heading out too"...and then I'd not hear from him for another month or two. Random, right?
As I was not in the mindset to deal with men...uh, boys...I never really gave it much thought. Then, a few weeks ago, I sent him a random text message. Truth be told, I was bored silly one afternoon, and sent random text messages to just about everyone I know...he just happened to be one of them. I'm pretty sure my message was something along the lines of "What's up, stranger?". It was his reply which started off the whole next part of this story: "Not much, I would like to see you".
Now, I know I've been out of the dating scene for a while, and I also know that we are just friends, and friends can want to see each other...but hey, I sort of giggled a bit when I read that. Hmm...could there be a spark there, a bit of an interest? Mind you my friends had been telling me for months (every time I'd get a text message from him) that he was into me, so the fuel for my suspicion was there. Well, I decided to roll with it. Some messages back and forth and I suggested we do drinks some night. He agreed that it sounded fun...and then proceeded to fall off the face of the earth for another week or so.
A few more text messages later, and I decided that texting is a pain in the arse, and asked for his new e-mail address...figuring conversation and plans would go much smoother that way.
So, I send an e-mail, he reads it (I love read receipts) and proceeds to take 3 days to respond. And when he does respond, it is with a short few words, which really, he could have just texted me. By now, I'm getting annoyed, and being fully reminded why I don't date. But, I'm resillient, and still, this is a friend who I wouldn't mind catching up with, so I try ONE MORE TIME, and send another e-mail, this one more detailed, asking what he's been up to, how life is, how's work, etc. and tell him a bit about my summer, what's going on, etc. He reads it.
2 weeks later, no response yet. And I decide that whatever it was that made me giggle, is SO gone. I hate mind games.
And then I get a text message from him on Sunday "How're you doing? You out and about?"
For the record, I don't even really care anyway, I've lost interest...I'm too old and too happy being single to have to be the one doing the chasing. And no, I haven't replied to his text yet, I'm not really sure what the hell I'm supposed to say now. I'm really just curious on how it is that others will interpret this situation...call it a study in human behavior...which is what I'm pretty sure my venture into dating this go-round is going to completely turn into.
So...discuss...what's his deal ladies? (and gents, your input is certainly welcome as well)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Fun Monday - What about your friends
"Tell us about your best friend. Particularly things like: where you first met, how long you've been friends and why you think you are best friends".
The alternative directive, for those of us with no friends (I kid, I kid) is as follows:
"Who is the TV character that most makes you want to put your foot through the screen (it must be a character, not a person in reality TV). And why."
Well, if you know me, you now I'm all about my friends, and in fact, I had recently been thinking about introducing you all to my friends via a blog post or two...so I was ultra excited to get started on this particular Fun Monday challenge. BUT, if you know me, you also know that there is no way I was going to follow "the rules" and limit myself to just one friend! Since most of my friends don't read my blog (not because I haven't asked them to, but for whatever their lame reasons are), I don't really have to worry about offending anyone in particular by not picking them as my "best friend".
However, it's been a long time since I've limited myself to the idea of having one friend that is the best, above all others. I have a wonderful collective of friends in my life, both close and long distance, and they are all in my life because they are the BEST of the BEST. Each fit one or more particular aspect of my personality, and I wouldn't imagine living without them in my life.
That said, I still had to narrow down the field some, or we could all grow old reading about my friends. So, I've decided to focus on the three friends I spend the most time with currently. I have some other wonderful friends that whether due to location, or current life situation, I don't get to spend as much time with right now, and maybe I'll tell you all about them in the future. For now, my three amigas:
Disclaimer: they're all going to kill me for the photos accompanying this post, but since they don't read my blog...tough on them! I've also decided to protect the guilty, and am giving them all pseudonyms.

Meet "Double D" (she's so going to kill me). I met DD at work about 4 years ago. She started her new job exactly one week before I started mine. For the first year or so I worked "upstairs" and she worked "downstairs", so we would speak at lunch, and say our "good mornings" but we didn't really know each other all that well. Then the office began to have financial issues, and her department was downsized, and she was moved "upstairs" to share office space with me. Both of us will tell you that we were NOT thrilled about having to share an office. I had shared office space before, and was not happy about the fact that I was losing my large office, and having someone come in and cramp my style. And yet, sharing that office was probably the best thing that happened to the both of us. We quickly realized we were kindred spirits and became fast friends. DD is about 6 years younger than me, but has gone through enough in her life that she is "an old soul", something I've been called myself throughout my life. DD also has a wonderful relationship with her mother, as do I. DD and I learned we shared tastes in music, and could entertain ourselves with tales of our families, our relationships and our careers. And another thing DD and I share is our struggle with our ever present large "bosoms" if you will. At that time, we bonded over the constant ribbing we received from fellow co-workers about our breast size. I'll never forget the day DD had a bra delivered from Victoria's Secret to our office, and one of our co-workers put it on her head and said she could use it as a hat. Yep...we had a wild office at that time. Unfortunatelyl, the financial situation at work got progressively worse, and DD was laid off. Fortunately, our friendship survived that lay-off and we continued to hang out and build our friendship. She finally married her long time boyfriend last year, and I was honored to be one of her bridesmaids. We have been there for each other through some tough times, and we have had some great laughs. Not a day goes by that we don't speak via e-mail and telephone. I count DD as one of my closest and dearest friends, and know we have many more stories to tell and create in the future.
Next I'd like you to meet Shoppaholic.
And finally, my greatest friend of all. She does get top billing, above all others, because she is the friend I have had the longest. In fact, I've known her my whole life, from the day I was born, and even through some growing pains, we've always been great friends. I am of course, speaking of my mother. Mom (she gets no pseudonym, because she does not need one, she is mom) is just about the greatest person I know, and I am so blessed that she is mine.

As far back as I can remember, I've considered mom to be a friend. We had our issues when I was a teenager, but then who doesn't at that time in their life? But we've always had a good relationship, and a great ability to talk about almost everything. More than once in my life I have found myself disappointed by friends turning out to be less than...less than compassionate, less than caring, less than honest...less than. But during those times, I always had Mom. Mom would go out to eat with me, to the movies, shopping, we'd spend hours talking about nothing, and she'd always hear me out when I needed a listening ear. Mom and I can laugh ourselves into hysterics for no particular reason, and we can allow each other to cry when the need arises. My house was always the one my friends wanted to be at, because mom was just so cool. In highschool all of my friends called my mother "mom", and one of my friends even ran away to come live with us. (Mom promptly called her parents and told them she was staying with us that night, and then she'd bring her straight home the next day). There is just something about my mother that attracts people of all ages. Even now, mom works with a few girls in their 20's and they just LOVE to hang out with mom. And now, as an adult, I've reached a new level in my friendship with my mom. I'm no longer her "little girl", I'm more her confidant, her buddy, her friend. Just recently we had a hilarious conversation which was our first venturing into the area of my sexual history. Mom was under the impression that my "first" had been someone she hated, and was elated to hear that was not the case. I love where we are in our relationship today, and can only see our friendship get stronger and more mature as time goes on. A greater friend cannot exist.
So, there you have it, a little diddy about my friends. I can't wait to go read about yours.
Don't forget to go visit Willowtree to find other Fun Monday participants!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday Find - Social Commentary

Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What's going on at Candid K's
If you are here for Wordless Wednesday, click here.
I've been tagged for a Moaning Meme. Curious?
Fun Monday was all about cars this week.
I got pulled over for speeding on Friday night...did I get a ticket?
I'm a shmoozer, are you?
Bored? Here are 13 Quizzes to pass the time.

2. I’m feeling really proud of this latest “diet/exercise” kick I’m on, I’ve already dropped approximately 11 pounds (turns out my scale was on the fritz when I started, so I’m not really sure what my starting weight was), and am only 4 pounds away from my initial goal. I wanted to reach my initial goal by next weekend (the 27th) and it looks as if I will come pretty darn close. 3.From all of the swimming and water aerobics I’ve been doing, I actually have toned arms. I can flex and show off these great little bicep muscles that were so not visible before. Since watching Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 I’ve wanted toned arms, and now I’m actually getting there…I love it! 4.For the record, my “maybe” crush I mentioned a few weeks back…changed my mind. 5. I have decided that I am ready to get back into the whole dating thing again (UGH), but that said, I have been reminded why I stopped dating in the first place. I hate the whole thing, and my “maybe” crush just reminded me by being all guns blazing interested until I stepped up and then he crawled into some hole never to be heard from again…MEN! 6. However, the coolest thing has been happening since I started shedding the extra weight and feeling better about myself; I’m totally getting flirted with by complete strangers on a pretty regular basis…I even warranted a “dang, girl” Friday night, when I wasn’t even trying to look cute! 7. I’m super excited about next weekend. I’m going to a wedding in NYC, the first in years that I’m not actually part of the wedding party, and I’ve bought this killer dress that I look awesome in, if I do say so myself. AND on Friday night of that weekend I get to go see Grease on Broadway. 8. I’m driving myself to NYC that weekend, and I need to hurry up and call a tire place to have my tires changed. I have an extra full set of tires that somehow came with my car, so I just need to actually change them, but I’ve been slacking on making the call. Oh, and I also need an oil change on my car. 9. I don’t think I’ve picked up a book yet this month, and this is highly unusual for a reader like me. BUT, I have every intention of picking up the final Harry Potter and reading it cover to cover as soon as possible. 10. I’ve been going through a lot of my older poetry and short stories, from high school and college, and am thinking of starting a second blog to share some of it… 11. I really want to buy a laptop computer, but don’t want to spend too much on it. Mostly I want it so I can surf blogs and read and respond to e-mails while I watch TV at night…any suggestions? 12. There are several movies out right now that I really want to go see: Harry Potter, Ocean’s 13, Hairspray, Transformers, Pirates 3 (which I don’t even think is in theatres anymore); but I can’t seem to see myself spending time inside a theatre when the weather is so nice out. 13. I have no major plans for this weekend, besides finding an outfit to wear to Grease, and accessories to go with my dress for the wedding, and relaxing by the pool, and I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend before next weekend’s crazyness ensues. |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Actually, I really do try to live my life focusing on the positive and not stressing about the negative. I'm a firm believer that life is WAY too short to waste any of it being negative. But, like everyone, I have my bad days, and I have my pet peeves...stick around here long enough, and soon you'll know what really pushes my buttons. But I digress...back to the meme...
Here's the deal, The Freelance Cynic created this meme. He says:
"If you've ever listened to people talking on a bus you'll know that most of what they say is negative. They talk about things they hate, people that annoy them and boyfriends that let them down before they even think about mentioning the 'nice things.'
All of us do it. We find it natural, when with a friend, to moan.In fact a recent study has shown that the most effective form of human bonding is moaning and gossiping.Yet our blogs, the social tools of the 21st century, are populated by memes listing our 'favourites,' or our 'blessings,' or our 'funniest' moments. In our efforts to be readable we have denied others the one thing that makes us interesting - our whining, moaning, complaining selves.And so I am pleased to present the first ever Moaning Meme! The meme that will teach us all a bit more about each other and ourselves.It's time to spread some Personality... "
So, there you have it, a free ticket to be a downer! How could I EVER turn this down?
The Moaning Meme
5 people who will be annoyed you tagged them. (This one is tough, because I see a few of my intended Tagees have already been tagged...so let's see, I'm going with some of my favorite bloggers and commenters)
1. Frigga
2. Miss Frou Frou
3. Beckie
4. Julia
5. Literary Feline
(I tagged people who I thought would do the meme, but it is by no means limited to only them! Be part of something new - Spread some moans!)
4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
Karina's note: I'm going to skip the obvious "serious" answers, and go with
more fun ones here.
1. Anyone who's ever appeared on "Flavor of Love" - how much of a disservice to the women's movement does that show do? ugh
2. Crocs or whatever those ugly ass shoes are called...I honestly think they are the ugliest things invented and can't believe grown adults wear them in public.
3. High interest rates on credit cards. Highway robbery, and I still don't get how some of these rates are even legal.
4. Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sorry, I just don't get it okay?
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently.
1. Skinny girls who say "I can't go in the pool, I don't wear a bathing suit in public". Listen you stick, if my fat ass can get in a bathing suit, then yours certainly can.
2. People who've NEVER had to deal with a weight problem trying to tell me how to eat.
3. People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle in a supermarket, blocking the passage for anyone who walks by, and then stand there obvlivious to how ignorant they are.
2 things you find yourself moaning about.
1. Lack of time, there's never enough to do everything I want to do.
2. How much I just want to be able to eat pasta alfredo, or a steak and cheese sub.
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.
1. I'm hungry and should go out and get lunch now.
RULES:*Link to the original meme at FreelanceCynic.com so people know what it's all about!*Be as honest as possible, This is about letting people get to know the real you!*Try not to insult anyone - unless they really deserve it or are very, very ugly! *Post these rules at the end of every meme!Finally remember, cynical is sexy. At least that's what I'm hoping...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Police officers, eyelashes and pretzels, oh my...
Monday, July 16, 2007
Fun Monday - Drive me Crazy

Friday, July 13, 2007
Take me out to the ball game...
You schmooze...you win!

My new friend Frigga at AnyApples has nominated me for this award! I'm completely flattered, super excited, and just a little bit verklempt..."Talk amongst yourselves"....
Okay, where was I? Ah yes, the award..."As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
This award is especially meaningful to me coming from Frigga, because pretty much from the first blog entry I read of hers, I knew we'd be buddies. We're still in the "getting to know you" stage of our friendship, but I can just tell the blogosphere has probably succeeded in finding me a new friend. Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff...onto the nominations!
I'm not really sure how many people I'm supposed to nominate, and I'm semi-new to the world of blogging, so that I don't have all that many regular blogs I visit and comment on regularly...so I decided to go with lucky number THREE...here they are:
JennieBoo at OSOMOLOVE is one of my new SheWhoBLogs buddies. I just love this girl, she's a bright spot in the blogosphere, and never fails to comment on my blog entries, always with something sweet, informative, constructive, or just plain nice. And I know she does this with not just me, but all of her blog friends, therefore, she definitely deserves the SCHMOOZER Award! ;-)
Frances over at Blog Jem definitely earns this award as well. After all, it was through her power of Schmoozing that the SheWhoBlogs group was even created. She also always makes sure to pop over and comment to let you know she's reading and enjoying your blog.
Sognatrice at Bleeding Espresso gets my next one. One of my favorite things about her blog is how she keeps the conversations going in the comments section, always replying to comments, and even using the comments as topics for future entries. I'm still working on the art of replying to all comments, but she's mastered it, and that shows her true power as a Schmoozer.
Now, put your own schmoozing power to work, and go visit these ladies and tell them how great they are! Get out there and mingle!
Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am swamped at work this week, and should really be working hard right now, but my brain is fried, the a/c in my office is broken, therefore it is 80.8 degrees and rising...so I've taken some breaks this week and discovered some fun "Quizzes"...enjoy:
Mingle2 - Free Online Dating Interestingly enough, before last week's TT, with the Sexy Music Videos, my blog was rated G...hmmm Mingle2 - Online Dating OUCH...maybe I should cut back some!7. This next one because I was actually having a conversation with a friend yesterday about what color I should paint my toe nails next:
11. This one comes as no surprise (for the record, mine are real):
12. And just to keep the boob thing going (think this will earn me an NC-17 rating?)
And Finally: 13.
This last one was dead on...too funny! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Take a stroll
Otherwise, please take a stroll, I've got lots to share...
Last week's Wordless Wednesday fell on the Fourth of July, but I celebrated by sharing a moment or two of the serenity of the ocean...here.
My Thursday 13 from last week as well will provide you with 13 music videos to make your heart beat faster, check out 13 Sexy Music Videos here.
I was "tagged" to share 8 Random Facts about myself, and I also decided to Face My Pockets.
Fun Monday had me sharing my favorite places to Lounge...
And check out some pictures from a recent evening trip to the beach.
Enjoy your stroll...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Picture Perfect
Monday, July 09, 2007
Everything but the kitchen sink
I thought this sounded kind of fun, so I decided to join in, however, as most women will tell you, they don't really put pockets on about 90% of women's clothing (jeans and coats being the only exception pretty much), and as it is summer and I'm not wearing much of either, I decided to empty the pockets in my purse. Disclaimer: I carry a huge purse, so I did not scan all the items in my purse, I chose to only scan the things in actual "Pockets" within my purse.

The items are as follows:
-purple business card holder
-purple pen
-bottle of Victoria's Secret "endless love" perfume
-sample size "India Gardenia" perfume from The Body Shop
-sample size "Cool Water" perfume (are we sensing a perfume addiction here?
-betty boop tin which holds advil etc.
-trident splash gum
-eyeglass cleaner towellette
-my rio mp3player
-my cell phone (I'm badly in need of a new one)
-eye drops (I have very dry eyes)
-a ticket stub to "High School Musical" a recent performance I attended with my little sister (tickets given to me by my boss).
And that's about it...we won't even discuss how much more crap is in my purse not in "pockets"...can you find my face?
I've been tagged - 8 Random Facts
1. Make a list of 8 random things about yourself and/or your life on your own blog.
2. Tag 8 other bloggers leaving a comment on their blog with a link to your post.
This was a lot tougher for me than I thought it would be...you would think for someone who loves to talke about myself as much as I do, I could come up with 8 random facts quite easily right? Yeah...not so much...okay, here goes:
1. I collect Betty Boop "stuff", but have done so since WAY before Betty Boop was "cool" and you could find her stuff everywhere.
2. I have also acquired a collection of "Angel" stuff, even though I've never actually attempted to, people just keep giving me things with Angels on them, and I now have a pretty nice collection going.
3. I also have a large collection of stuffed monkeys...for some reason, for a while when I was in high school and college, people (mostly guys) kept giving me stuffed monkeys as gifts...cute Valentine's ones, funny birthday ones...just random monkeys...I still have them all.
4. I've mentioned I was born in Angola, Africa, but what you might not know (except for you Paula, I know you know), is that I was born during a civil war, and there were actual bombs falling and "curfews" set, and shooting "zones" all around us when I was born, and my parents are pretty damn lucky they weren't killed in some of the situations they found themselves in.
5. I have been single for...gulp...almost 5 years now, and by single I mean, I may have MAYBE gone on a total of 6 dates in that time...I mean TRULY single. I took a self-imposed dating "hiatus" after my last break, and then life got busy, and then life got good, and the "hiatus" stretched into an almost cancellation of sorts.
6. I have decided recently that I might just be ready to start dating again...and I might even MAYBE have a crush of sorts, but no, I'm not ready to elaborate on that just yet.
7. I have been a bridesmaid 5 times, but have been invited to be a bridesmaid 7 times, two of the weddings didn't happen (one of them I backed out of before it fell through). I am an expert at wedding planning, bridezillas, what not to do, and how to control temperamental Maids of Honor now, and am also pretty sure that I'll be eloping when my time comes! haha
8. I am going to a wedding at the end of this month, and it will be the first wedding in over 3 years I go to as a GUEST and I cannot wait to enjoy myself without the responsibilities of being a member of the wedding party. And I get to wear a dress I picked out myself (which I bought this weekend and just LOVE).
Well, there you have it. Now, about tagging 8 bloggers...I don't want to re-tag those who've already been tagged, so instead I issue you a challenge...if you are reading this and haven't already done it, YOU ARE TAGGED. And if you have already done it but feel like doing it again...go for it!
Fun Monday - Loungin'
This is where I park my behind most evenings after work, reading, watching television, talking on the phone, and even falling asleep.
Here's one of the chairs:
There you have it, my lounge spots!