Monday, December 10, 2007

Fun Monday - A few of my favorite things

Fun Monday this week is being hosted by Kaytabug. Her assignment to us:

In the spirit of the season I would like to see your favorite Christmas tree ornament. Not to be confused with the WHOLE tree. I want you to zoom in and show me one or a few(you know I can't choose just one!) of your favorite ornaments. If you don't decorate a tree, show me your menorah or dreidel, Kinara, or Yule Log. I want to see your favorite decoration for this holiday season.

This is an easy one, so I won't botch it up by trying to add to it...I don't actually have any ornaments that hold any special meaning, but here are my two favorites. This first one my friend PETA sent me from Kansas. I love this little guy, and as you can see in this post, he sits atop the house on my nativity set:

This next one I bought just more item for my Betty Boop collection, how cute is she?

There you have it. Kaytabug isn't revealing yet who's hosting next week, so check back later and I'll add a link here as well. Make sure to go to Kayatbug's for other participants.


Pamela said...

Oh!! Betty Boop!!!!!

and the cat is a fine addition to the nativity scene. Now you never hear about cats -- but I'm sure there had to be some.

A Slice of My Life said...

Hey that cat looks an awful lot like our Buddy...only I think Buddy is a bit rounder! And of course, Betty is adorable. Off to vote for the best...

Susan at A Slice of Life

Anonymous said...

Very cute kitty cat! (I have a couple cats on my tree too!)

Dreaming What Ifs...

Carrie @carrieloves said...

Oh, Betty Boop is so cute!

Rebecca said...

Cute! But now I feel guilty as mine are still sitting in a box in my storage closet... :-0

Happy Monday :-)

ChrisB said...

Betty Boop is rather cute!!

Unknown said...

Somehow I missed this earlier, but I did vote for you. :)

Love the betty boop and kitty. My grandma would swipe the betty boop - her name is Betty too.

Joy T. said...

Very cute kitty and you can't go wrong with a gorgeous Betty Boop on your tree! So cool!

Mrs. Darling said...

In Disney World they hae anentire shop of I love lucy and Betty Boop stuff. I wish now I would have bought an ornament there. I did get a Disney one which I have listed as one of my favorites.

Fun oranments. Thanks for sharing.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Very cute ornaments. I especially love the cat. :D

Tiggerlane said...

I'm with Pamela - you KNOW there were barn cats, lurking around the manger...that's my favorite of the two!

Frances D said...

They're both great.
The kitty is adorable in your tree, and I am sure there was one hanging around in the original scene.
Much bloglove,

willowtree said...

Betty Boop...sweet!!

Anonymous said...

I had the same title as you. I like your addition to the manger. There had to be some other animals in there, right?

Molly said...

Everything is so festive here at Candid Karina. Pamela does have a point; surely there were cats at the birth of Jesus after all it was a barn more or less.

Sandy said...

I agree with Pamela. There must have been barn cats somewhere around...very cute.

Kaytabug said...

Betty Boop is too cute!!
I put next to her name that she was next weeks host late Sunday night!
It is Kitten. Maybe it just blended in with her name...