There will be group dates, solo dates, and some women who will not even get a date.
The first date of the week is with Stephanie, single mom. Today is her daughter's birthday, and Jason surprise her with a visit from her daughter. Their date turns into a family outing, and Stephanie show's her mommy side, and her family side. The two of them have a great time on their date and I'll admit, I wasn't sure about Stephanie in the beginning, but she's definitely grown on me, and with this date, I could see the potential there between her and Jason. She ends the date receiving a rose, but not just any rose, a lego rose. Too cute.
The next date is a group date, and Jason is taking eight women with him. On this date are Melissa (who's already had a one on one with him), Shannon (the stalkerish dental hygienist), Nikki, Naomi, Erica, Jillian, Megan, and Kari (who I don't think I've ever seen before...where has this girl been?) and they're all going to make "casts" of their busts for a breast cancer awareness charity. An excuse for Jason to feel up a bunch of girls all for a good cause. Also an excuse for Jason to keep his shirt off for half of the episode. No complaints here.
We also get to see a little bit more about the girls' personalities...some which we could have done without knowing about, to be honest. That chick Megan? I just don't like her. I think she's completely full of herself, and is one of those people that likes to hear herself speak about all the good she does, but probably spends more time talking about what she does, then actually doing it. She really comes across as very fake for me. Melissa I really like, I think she's sweet and real. Shannon still freaks me out a little bit. Did anyone else hear the crickets chirping when Nikki and Jason were speaking one on one? Jillian I'm really beginning to like as well. She's goofy and fun, but down to earth and real too. And obviously Jason agrees, because he gives her the rose for the group date.
The next date is a solo date with Natalie. Natalie the high maintenance chick is late for her first date with Jason...not a good start. And yet, the perfect date for her includes a necklace and bracelet that are brought in by bodyguard in a locked briefcase...worth over a million dollars. If you're wearing a million dollar necklace, then I suppose a trip on a private jet to Las Vegas is almost to be expected right? Right...from a jet to a helicopter flight over Vegas. Now that's a date! But here's my question, how is this helping Jason "find out if there's more" to her with this date? It's sort of a superficial date, isn't it? As they're walking in the restaurant Jason says "walking in with the girl everyone is looking at it felt good"...superficial. So, he decides to dig beneath the surface, and all she can talk about is clothes and bears. Bears?? Really? Bears? The date wraps up with a private performance by Kate Voegele and some dancing. But, besides the fact that he's obviously attracted to her and wants to like her because he's attracted to her, there's no actual chemistry there. He's just not that into her. Natalie doesn't get the rose, she's going home. And she does not take it well at all, which really kind of shows her true colors as just a bit immature and not at all gracious. Granted, I'd probably be pissed too, but she showed an ugly side which I'm sure made Jason glad he sent her packing.
Back at the mansion, once the rest of the girls find out Natalie is gone, they get really nasty. In the meantime, Jason, spured on by Natalie's remarks about there being "mean girls" at the house, is on a mission to find out the truth. He's also, apparently, on a mission to kiss as many girls as possible in one evening.
The stress of the drama between the girls in the household begins to be too much to handle for some of the girls...namely, Shannon, the stalker. I'm sure she's a really sweet, real girl, but she still completely freaks me out.
Then Lauren tells Jason that Megan and Erica are the two trouble makers in the house, and Megan eavesdrops on the conversation, so you know her claws come out.
The rose ceremony takes a turn, Chris asking the girls to open up, speak candidly and say what needs to be said before Jason makes his decision. And so, the drama begins. The girls get ugly, Shannon gets sick, and I think Jason gets wise to some of the inner tension in the house. Of course as Shannon is getting sick, Megan is calling her a bitch...really? Pot? Kettle...Unfortunately that does not happen in front of Jason for him to see...of course.
And then Jason starts handing out roses. The first goes to Molly, the second to Lauren, then Melissa, Naomi and Shannon. At this point you can see Erica, Nikki and Megan shaking in their boots. And Kari? Well, noone ever really sees or hears from here, right? Nikki gets the next rose, and with with one rose left, it goes to Megan. WHAT? Oh Jason. Silly silly boy.
So, it is Erika and Kari who are going home tonight. Such is life.
Nine girls left...what will happen next week. Come on back, let's discuss. What did you think this week?
I think Shannon is just in over her head. She is sweet and vulnerable and easily stressed.
I wonder how much control the editors have in making us like or dislike someone. Is Megan the only one who eavesdrops. That's the 2nd time she's been caught doing that.
I'm really starting to lean towards Naomi.
I agree that Shannon is in way over her head. I felt really bad for her when she got sick from all the stress. It actually made her seem a lot more real, and less...uh...creepy. lol
Megan, I think is just coming across as more and more of a bitch as time wears on...I do wonder how much of that is how they "cut" the show, but even her "expressions" are bitchy.
I do like Naomi too. I like her, Melissa and Jillian right now, I think.
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