Monday, October 01, 2007

Fun Monday - Did somebody say shoes????

Well...I've been feeling sick all weekend, and due to that, didn't have enough energy to blog...I know I still owe a "Follow-Up Friday" post (please check in this Friday where I will combine two weeks' worth), and the next 150 things in my 200 things about me post...but I was just way too sick to focus on anything this weekend.

So, here I was ready to come in and tell you that there would be no Fun Monday post from me this week. I was going to bow out in the name of my aching throat and stuffy head. And then I go to Robin's blog, because I couldn't remember whether I had signed up, and I see this:

"Shoes tell a lot about a person and we wanna delve deeply into your soul sole. Photograph your favorite pair--or pairs--of shoes and tell us a little about why they're near and dear to your toes heart (I can't wait to see how Swampy ties this in to Breast Cancer Awareness!). Follow in Jenny's footsteps and make a foot-family us your baby bronzed booties...let us see the shoes YOU HAD TO HAVE (but have never worn)...or all those grotesquely dyed-to-match formerly white satin bridemaid's shoes that were worn ONCE...the reinforced steel-toe boots that saved your big toe from being hacked off in that industrial "accident"...or, just take pictures of your nekkid feet--gnarly bunions, twin toes, or perfectly OPI-pedicured tootsies."

Shoes? Did somebody say shoes? Well then...I can't exactly pass up an opportunity to share some of my shoes, can I? After all, when you own over 75 pairs, you owe it to the masses to share them all.

This is why I'm really sad about how sick I felt last night, because I just didn't have the energy to go take pictures. But, lucky for you, I've blogged about my shoes a few times before, so I had some pictures available.

As far as my feet are concerned...well, my tootsies are the ones on the banner to this blog.

I'm really sad to not be able to participate more enthusiastically in a Fun Monday about one of my favorite know I must be feeling pretty sick if I'm passing up a chance to elaborate on shoes...but I'll make up for it; one of these days I'll post pictures of more shoes just for the hell of it!

Be sure to visit Robin for more Fun Mondayers...and check back later, I promise another 50 things about me.


Tiggerlane said...

I am lovin' the peep-toe white shoes - so chic!

Pamela said...

I know I should not be envious... but nice shoes... nice legs.

Debs said...

I love your shoes. :)
The last pair are my favorite. :)

ChrisB said...

I can see I'm going to be envious of all these lovely high heeled shoes. For the last few years I've had knee and hip problems so it's flat shoes for me (sigh)

Beckie said...

Those are some nice shoes and even hotter legs! Wow!

I AM envious.

Sandy said...

Great shoes - I especially liked the first pair.

Anonymous said...

Wow, someone who owns more shoes than I do.

I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Very nice shoes, but I'd personally like to have your toes.

Think we could trade?

Anonymous said...

that`s a funny monday women will like

Anonymous said...

You make heels look good. I fall flat on my tooshy every time I wear them. Hope you feel better.

Kerith Collins said...

I love the last pair...and i see i am not the only one!

Kaytabug said...

NICE shoes! I thought I was addicted...75? you definitely have me beat! Not that I was trying to compete! If you post more photos of your shoes let me know!!
I hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Feel better!
Wish I could wear such sexy shoes, but I've got a set of tugboats here. LOL

Anonymous said...

OOooo, I feel so sorry for you! For someone who has 75 pairs, I KNOW if you were feeling better we would've seen some new shots.

Of course I like your banner...your foot "pose" reminds me of my foot picture on my blog :).

You've got some GREAT shoes!!! "Real" shoe people always have a ton of heels (check out Tiggerlane if you haven't already).

I think my faves were the black and whites, though...they're a great conversation starter :).

Hope you're feeling better...SOON1

Anonymous said...

Great...I looked at someone else's shoes, Karina, and thought they were yours (it's what I get for pulling up so many pages at once...).

There's not one pair of yours shown here I wouldn't want! Shoe people--real shoe people--have the coolest taste!

I'm gonna dream about shoes tonight...I can feel it :/.

Robinella said...

waaa. third time trying to post. in case the other 2 don't show up, I said nice shoes legs and you win!

SwampAngel65 said...

Love the wedge sandals! I'm starting to feel envy creeping up on me. I haven't bought a cute pair of shoes in ages...just sneakers and flip flops!

Anonymous said...

I like those beige pumps! They're simple and striking and they cry out, "I is classy!"

Unknown said...

I just can't seem to wear heels, but those are all cute! I hope you get to feeling better soon and I hope I don't catch anything from all you sickies out there. :)

willowtree said...

Hmmm, you're either short or you like the way those shoes make your calves look (I know I do!).

Anonymous said...

75 pairs of shoes!!! WHOOHOO! I have something to aspire to!

Anonymous said...

The white peep-toe shoes are my favorite. I'm going to have to see if I can find some like those.

I hope you are feeling better today!

kitten said...

You have beatiful shoes!

qualcosa di bello said...

it's me...playing catch-up after a busy week!

when i saw shoes...i had to go back in time for this one!!!!

love them...cute feet too!

don't shoes always make you feel better??? hope you are...