This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by Tiggerlane.

She asked: Have you heard of The Bucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!
I actually just watched this movie a few weeks ago, (and reviewed it here if you're curious), and it did get me thinking about what sorts of things I'd put on my bucket list. There are MANY, but I'm in my early 30's, so there's a lot of things I haven't had the opportunity to do YET.
But, as I know you'll have lot's of reading to do today in your Fun Monday travels, I'll keep it short.
1. Adopt a child. - I really really want to do this in the next 10 years. I'm still not sure how it'll be feasible financially, but it's something I've always wanted to do, and now that I'm getting older, it's become something I'm actually beginning to think of a plan for. Therefore, it tops my list.
2. Hit certain must see travel spots. I could have said "Go to: Fill-in-the-blank", but the truth is, then I'd have five or six numbers with names of places I want to visit, so I figured I'd clump them together...Jamaica, Tuscany, Greece, Africa, Thailand, The Azores...those are the top spots.
3. Fall in love again. It's been a while since I've had that feeling of being completely in love with someone, and it's certainly something I'd like to experience again at some point in my life.
4. Get published. Whether it's by finishing my constant work-in-progress novel, or by putting together that book of poetry I keep meaning to compile, or even all those magazine articles I always have ideas for...I'd love to be a published author/writer one day.
5. Get a tattoo. I know, easy enough right? The thing is, my mom and I had a deal, from the time I was about 16 that the year I turned 30, and she turned 50 (same year), we would go out and get tattoos. Thing is, when that time came, I had nothing I felt strongly enough about to go out and get permanently inked with. I still don't. I REALLY want a tattoo, but, rack my brain as I might, I can't think of anything I'd want permanently. Maybe after I adopt that child.
6. Buy a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Yeah, yeah, superficial, I know. But the thing is, I love shoes. No, really, I LOVE SHOES. Everyone knows this about me. And Manolo's are pretty much the epidemy of a shoe. The shoe every shoe addicted female aspires to. The Holy Grail of shoes, if you will. But I'm not the sort of person to go out there and drop $500 (or way way more) on a pair of shoes. But one day...one day I will buy myself a pair of manolos. (This should probably happen before I adopt that child huh?)
Well, that's it. I know there are other things that definitely belong on this list, but you've got lots and lots of other Fun Mondayers to go read, as do I, and I've also got work to do.
Be sure to stop by Oooh, A Shiny Pen, who's offered to host next week, and find out what the topic will be then.
A very good list. My oldest daughter just recently had a tattoo on her foot. It is an outline of the continent of Africa and a small red heart placed approx. where Uganda would be. She has adopted a child from Uganda (through World Vision). It's only through monthly support but last year I also gave some money to her family to buy 2 oxen and 1 bicycle for them. They sent pictures. It sure made me happy to see their smiling faces. They live in Gulu and are farmers.
That is a really good list! Have you thought about "where" you want to adopt a child from? A domestic or international adoption? Very exciting!
Of everything I've read today, I think yours is the most special. I think it's great you want to adopt a child! I've heard it costs alot. I could never understand that. Here you have a child that needs a home and they charge an arm and a leg because you want to provide that for the child. Stupid, isn't it? Where there's a will, there IS a way, though, and I'm sure...without a doubt...that one day you'll get a little angel to take care of! That will be one lucky baby!
I don't suppose you want to adopt a teen for a week or two? No?? oh well... LOL
I think you've got some great goals. Although I have to admit that I don't get the whole shoe thing that so many woman have.
Hehe, your # 4 makes me laugh. I want a tattoo too. But my deal is that I have to want something for at least a year first. Now my problem is finding an artist to draw it :-) Of course, I've known where I want it - that I've known since I was 18 :D
I want a tatoo too but haven't yet decided of what. I know why now, to commemorate my cancer survivorness. :0) I don't want the ribbon so am not sure.
I like your list. I wanted, and yet didn't want, a tattoo for years. I finally got one when my friend died at 29.
What a terrific list. Good luck on #1!
I think the adoption idea is wonderful. My husband and I gave it a lot of thought too and I still do. There are so many children out there that need loving homes.
I hope you are able to adopt a child...
You'll have to show us the tattoo you choose if you ever come up with one
Gosh that was such a great movie.
Ok, my Bucket List is ridiculously long but I'll give you a brief version. Most of it involved TRAVEL. TO EVERY EUROPEAN COUNTRY AND INDIA, JAPAN, THAILAND.
Sky dive, get married, get published, make a complete album, buy my parents a vacation to Tuscany, have a romantic trip to Napa, and go to the Olympics.
i'd like to get a tattoo as well but not sure what to put on it...
if you are focused on adoption, you could get somewhere through the foster care system...
Although adoption is not an easy process there are so many children needing a loving home that I hope you are successful when the time comes.
I have two tatto's i started out by looking threw tattoo mags!! I wish you lots of luck and hope you adopt too!!
Sorry dear, I haven't been keeping up with my reading. This is a great list. I'm strongly pro adoption. I too wanna visit all those place. Wanna be published? Hell yeah! Been meaning to get a tattoo for what seems like ever, we are so alike. Let's sit and drink together some time, and chalk out our travel plans?
Great list. I hope you get number one accompished. That is a wonderful dream.
Adoption. Wow, what an incredible thing to have on your bucket list. I really enjoyed reading about your hopes and dreams. Here's to all of them coming true for you!
Interesting list! I'm like you on the tattoo...I'm interested in getting one but it'd have to mean something to stay on my body forever.
My friend just adopted a baby. She's so perfect.
I've been planning to get a tattoo for years now. I want an anklet of wildflowers, but I haven't decided which ones. I think I would be afraid to wear a pair of shoes that expensive, though.
Beautiful list!! I hope you get to adopt a child. I personally don't understand why it costs so much to adopt. I think more children could find homes if it wasn't so expensive!!
Ooh! Can I go with you and shop for the Manolos? PLEASE?!?!?
And yeah, the only thing precious enough to me to have permanently emblazoned on my skin would have to do with my daughter. Thanks so much for participating!
LOL Sorry I'm laughing but #6 had me thinking of Carrie off of Sex and the City. Man that girl loved her shoes and would squeal with delight over Manolo's. Too funny. And falling in love? I hope you find it :o)
down deep inside of me I always wanted to adopt. Not I'm old enough that it wouldn't be fair for a child. Maybe I should volunteer to be a "friend" or something.
Lovely List Karina. Fall in love again is something even married folk need to do every so often (with each other)
I promised myself a tattoo for my 40th birthday and I still haven't had it done! I know exactly what I want but I haven't quite plucked up the courage to get it done yet!
Loved your list EXCEPT the tattoo, whats with women and tats now? it used to be only men who were stupid enough to have them.
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