Monday, February 18, 2008

Fun Monday - What's Your Sign?

This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by Sayre over at Sayre Smiles. I love the assignment, see for yourself:

Every day as I go to work, I see things around me that make me laugh. Usually these are in the forms of signs. So take your camera with you as you go about your business and take a picture of the things that make you laugh along the way (but it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be a sign).

How great is that? I can't wait to blog hop and go see what everyone else puts up. Unfortunately, I didn't go find out what the assignment was until last night, and therefore, didn't take any pictures all week of the sights I see on my travels. Too bad too, because I'm sure there were some doozies. Still, I have to participate, because thi is just too good to pass up. I'm off work today, so I'm going to run out to do some errands in a bit, and will bring my camera with me...check back later, I will have updated this post.

In the meantime, just in case I don't find any funny things on my way today, I'll tell you about one crazy sight I used to see on my way to work everyday until recently. This one needs just a bit of background for you. I live and work in a mostly suburban area about 40 miles north of Boston. It is important that you know that although there are a few farms around here, this is by no means a rural area. It is also important that you know that this is the North East, where it is cold, and not exactly exotic. This is important because for the past 5 years, on my way to work this was a sight I saw many mornings:

A buffalo! Up until recently there was a small farm (and I mean small) on my way to work that owned both a buffalo and a horse. They still have the horse, but have since sold the buffalo. If you had any idea how random and unusual it is to have a buffalo around these parts, you'd get just why this is so funny to me. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to actually photograph the buffalo (this is not my photo, but one I pinched from the web a while back, and unfortunately can't remember where so can't give credit, if it's yours, let me know, and I'll give due credit), but on more than one occasion I'd see someone pulled over to the side of the road, all dressed up for work, scratching their head while they took a picture of the buffalo. That's humor in the morning!

Well, I'm off to go run errands and try to get more photos for you, but it's pouring out so I can't promise results. Go visit Sayre to see what everyone else has up. And be sure to stop by Mariposa's tomorrow, as she's hosting next week.


Anonymous said...

Now that is an amazing site that would make me smile, pull over and snap!!

ChrisB said...

LOl at this story. The guy who owned it should have put out a tin for donations to take photos!!

Faye said...

Buffalo in the 'burbs? Now that would mess with your mind--at least near Boston. Not so much out west. . .

Sauntering Soul said...

I went to Boston approximately 9 years ago. I do not remember seeing a buffalo while there! How random!

Mariposa said...

I haven't seen one like that! ;)

Alison said...

that would definitely make for an interesting commute!!

the rotten correspondent said...

I can't even imagine seeing a buffalo standing by the side of the road.

That's better than any sign.

Anonymous said...

We see them occasionally on a farm or two around here (Colorado), but that's probably norm. But having one in the NE: That's something!!

the planet of janet said...

that had to be a pretty odd sight to see!

Unknown said...

It seems like an odd spot for a buffalo. :)

Peter said...

Glad you had that photo seeing as how you didn't read the instructions until too late then failed to notice it was about to rain... sheeesh.

Pamela said...

they probably ate him.