Monday, November 26, 2007

Fun Monday - Works In Progress

Fun Monday this week is being hosted by Blue Momma. She wants to see our boobs. No, really, she does. But she decided to play nice and give us a different assignment. Here it is:
I want you to show me your......projects. More to the point, I want to see your unfinished projects. I have so many that I really need some reassurance that I'm not the only one. Home improvement projects are what I have in mind, but it you don't have any of those show me any kind of project - needlework, cooking, scrap booking, etc. You can even show me your spouse if they qualify as a work in process.
So, I could take the easy way out, and not post anything and say "There you go, my work in progress"...but what fun would that be?
Therefore, trusty camera in hand I took a little trip around the house...I'm proud to tell you that I don't currently have a whole lot of "unfinished projects" per se. Well, at least I don't have a whole lot of visible ones...ahem.
But digging a little deeper I started in the kitchen:

This here in the corner? My Halloween decorations, which need to be carried up into my attic storage, where I will find my bins and bins of Christmas decorations, and bring those down...yeah...that will happen at some point soon, but the Halloween decorations? I've been meaning to put those away since November 1st...alas, there they still sit. Also in the kitchen we find this little doozie:

What is it you ask? Look closer...see that atrocious wallpaper behind the stove? I HATE that paper with a passion. When I moved in, there was a lot of wallpaper removal, wall painting, and even tile and hardwood floor laying...but I ran out of time and money. However, I told myself that one of the first things I would do, when I had some more money and time, would be to get some sort of back splash that was NOT wallpaper with tea kettles and whatever the hell that is on that wall...yet...almost 5 years later, and there it still is. I can't exactly call it a "work in progress" or an "unfinished" project, as I never started it...but I always meant to...sigh...

Next we move to the office, where we find this:

Those would be just SOME of the many pictures and picture frames I own, that I always "mean" to organize, but never quite get around to it. I've got a Christmas project in mind as well having to do with of yet, all I have are piles and piles of things, with notes, ideas, and...more piles...

Still in the office, we find these:

Those would be my journals, which I recently found, and they represent my newest "unfinished project", right here on this very blog. My tales of "All The Boys I've Loved", which I've started to tell you about, but have lots and lots more to write...this is probably my funnest "unfinished project", because I'm thoroughly enjoying working on it.

Also in my office, in fact, this very second as I type this:

That would be my new cell phone, hooked up to the computer, with all my music, that I'm trying to transfer to the handy MP3 feature of the phone...I've been trying to do this for 3 days now...I think I have about 15 songs done so shouldn't be this hard, but I can't decide on what songs to transfer over...and I'm doing this post, so I keep getting distracted...oh, and I'm doing laundry...hang on, the dryer just beeped...

Right, where were we? Still in the office then?

Those things in that corner? This would be my one unfinished project that would actually benefit me greatly to complete. That is my old printer, along with a brand spanking new Wireless Router, Laptop bag, and printer ink...and something else, I forget what now...all things I've been meaning to list for sale on Craigslist or ebay or something of the like, because I don't need them...and there they sit, collecting dust. Anyone need a used, sort of but not completely broken printer? How about a laptop bag? Router? Anyone?? ;-)

And last, but most certainly not least:

That, my friends is my "box" of unfinished projects. Poems, short stories, longer stories, and right in front, my novel from which I was drawing inspiration for NaNoWriMo...ah...NaNoWriMo...My truly unfinished project...I lost the wind from my sales with the "Great Novel Crash" incident, and never quite got it back. Barring some miraculous inspiration, I will NOT be completing NaNoWriMo this year...alas, I tried...

So, there you have it, my incompletes. Go see more at Blue Momma's and make sure to stop by Robinella's, because she's hosting next week.


Sandy said...

You don't know it yet, or maybe yo do, but you are one of the few places I've visited that did not involve painting and/or construction!

Good post. Lots of cool looking stuff and omg, so organized!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I LOVE this post! My friend Kelly had a sea green carpet in her house - also for 5 years - that just got removed this year. Your kitchen wallpaper reminded me of that.

I can relate to your unfinished projects so much more than house-related ones. Creative projects take up space on my inner hard drive, but practical home stuff just gets shoved into my mental recycle bin over and over again.

And thanks for your kind words on my blog, Karina. (hug)

Sauntering Soul said...

I agree with Sandy, you are one of the few Fun Monday posters without parts of your house torn apart. Thankfully I am also without construction and painting going on in my house. But it's only because I am a renter.

Anonymous said...

My grandma had very similar wall paper. So what you do, it embrace it...after all vintage stuff if all the rage right now!! lol

Anonymous said...

That corner with your Halloween stuff looks like just about every corner in my house!! And sadly, it isn't confined to corners.

I enjoyed your post!

Beckie said...

Good list of projects. Your novel will get done...who needs NaNoWriMo.

I have written this a lot today, but I am going to say it again here...I hate wall paper.

Tiggerlane said...

Wow...your projects look a lot more "do-able" than some that I've seen! I may have to volunteer to come help you out!

For the record, my Halloween decorations never made it out at ALL this year...

Robin M said...

Nanowrimo does take a lot of time. My hubby is trying to be patient and will be so happy when december rolls around. Great projects. The wall paper isn't so back, but what would look great is something in the colors of that vase sitting there. That would be beautiful. Have fun.

my fm is up.

Robin of mytwoblessings

qualcosa di bello said...

well, this magnificent post has allowed me to feel oh so much better about my own abysmal piles of "please organize me" found all over my home...thank you so very much! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, the wallpaper. Oh. I'm so with you. It will get done with pretty backsplash. I know it will.
And, I'm so sorry about the writing crash.

Rebecca said...

What a great theme! Of course, now I think I just feel even more guilty about my unfinished projects...

Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of wallpaper that needs to come down this Fun Monday. And I'm SO glad it's not me! You may have unfinished projects but you sure are organized.

Pamela said...

I've said "this is the first thing to go" before... and it never was.

Lots of projects there. I think I just got winded... going to go to bed and rest.. whew.

Junebug said...

I must organize my pictures too. I have boxes and bags of them. I really noticed when I started my blog how badly I need to sort them.

Unknown said...

It seems we all have household projects to finish. Love the new phone, my son has that one too. You bit off a lot with a novel in a month - sounds stressful!